Symposium at Ibb University explores al-Welaya day amid contemporary challenges

Yemen News Agency SABA
Symposium at Ibb University explores al-Welaya day amid contemporary challenges
[27/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 27. 2024 (Saba) - Ibb University recently hosted a cultural symposium titled “Guardianship/Al-Welaya Day between Absence and Alienation.”

Abdelfattah Ghallab, the official for public mobilization in the province, emphasized the critical need to revive the lofty religious ideals of guardianship and uphold the righteous path exemplified by the icons of guidance. He highlighted the growing influence of symbols promoted by contemporary tyrants, stressing the urgency to counteract these with steadfast adherence to virtuous principles.

In his presentation titled “Guardianship in Religious Texts and Its Relevance in Ghadir Khumm,” Ghallab underscored the significance of studying the qualities and virtues of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), emphasizing their practical integration into individual and societal life.

Dr. Abdullah al-Falahi, Vice President of the University for Academic Affairs, discussed in his paper “Imam Ali (peace be upon him): Religion and State,” the upbringing of Imam Ali under the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), highlighting his scholarly and leadership virtues that distinguished him.

Dr. Fouad Hassan, Vice Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, presented a paper titled “The Importance of Consolidating the Principle of Guardianship,” where he examined the religious and educational objectives of guardianship. He also addressed its role in countering efforts aimed at alienating youth from the symbols and values of the Islamic nation.

The symposium’s recommendations, conveyed by Dr. Al-Ezzi Al-Oqab, Assistant Vice Rector for Student Affairs, stressed the importance of embracing the exemplary life of the Holy Prophet and his family. It emphasized educating young people about this noble legacy, which serves as a beacon of hope and a cornerstone for preserving the dignity, principles, sanctities, and capabilities of the Islamic community.

resource : Saba