Endowments, Zakat commemorate passing of scholar Badr al-Din al-Houthi


Yemen News Agency SABA
Endowments, Zakat commemorate passing of scholar Badr al-Din al-Houthi
[27/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 27. 2024 (Saba) - The General Authority of Endowments and the General Authority of Zakat in cooperation with the Ministry of Guidance Hajj and Umrah Affairs, and the Association of Yemeni Scholars, have organized a speech event on the anniversary of the passing of the divine scholar Sayyed al-Houthi.

At the event, head of the General Authority of Endowments Abdulmajeed al-Houthi explained that talking about Badr Al-Din al-Houthi cannot be summarized in hours to explain his life, virtues, honors, positions, and courage.

He pointed out that the passing of the scholar represents a great loss to the nation, after history immortalized his memory with letters of light.

He also indicated that he carried the banner of knowledge and jihad from an early age and raised his children in the spirit of jihad and martyrdom, and carried the nation’s concerns more than other scholars, as he was keen For its unity and liberation from ignorance, injustice, tyranny and arrogance.

The head of the Endowments Authority pointed out that scholar al-Houthi, confronted, with his writings, the Takfiri Wahhabi project that had penetrated society with the support of the previous regime.

He stressed that the relics of this venerable divine world were touched by everyone, most notably the martyr leader, Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and Sayyed Commander Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, who faced the forces of evil and infidelity, America, Israel, and Britain.

For his part, head of the General Authority for Zakat Sheikh Shamsan Abu Nashtan explained that the divine scholar Sayyed Badr al-Din al-Houthi, was a model for the fighter scholar. His life was a school of patience, faith, jihad, humility, asceticism, and piety, and he was a role model for all people through his effort and knowledge.

He stated that this eminent scholar was able, through his children and students, to confront the oppressors and their arrogance and to change the reality of Yemeni society in all fields.

Abu Nashtan pointed out that the scholar Badr al-Din was a scholarly personality and a teacher in giving, sacrifice, and jihad. He was able, with his knowledge and writings that enriched the history of Yemen, to embody the role of the divine scholar.

resource : Saba