Women’s Authority's Activities on Guardianship Day anniversary in Hajjah


Yemen News Agency SABA
Women’s Authority's Activities on Guardianship Day anniversary in Hajjah
[27/ June/2024]
HAJJAH June 27. 2024 (Saba) - The Women's Cultural Authority in a number of districts in Hajjah province organized cultural events on the anniversary of Guardianship Day and held vigils in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The speeches in Kahlan Afar and Al-Rabu Boushaha and Jayah in Aflah Al-Yemen, and in the center of the province, Medina and Al-Assab, presented to Sharif’s guardianship in Al-Shahil, emphasized the importance of commemorating the Guardianship Day to instill the values of guardianship among society and consolidate the connection with Imam Ali, peace be upon him.

They explained that celebrating this occasion is a message to the world of the extent of the Yemenis’ love and attachment to Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and his great position in the hearts, and an emphasis on following his approach and emulating his biography, virtues, personality, asceticism, courage, sacrifice, and piety.

After that, rallies were organized in solidarity with the Palestinian people, in support of their valiant resistance, and in support of the decisions of the revolutionary leadership to support Al-Aqsa and victory for the martyrs.

participants blessed the developments witnessed by the Yemeni armed forces in the fourth stage of escalation in the face of American, British and Israeli arrogance.

They also blessed the qualitative operations of the Yemeni forces and the Iraqi resistance against Israeli, American and British ships heading to the Zionist entity deep in the Palestinian territories.

participants considered supporting the Palestinian resistance , the victory for Al-Aqsa , the blood , souls of the martyrs a religious, Arab, national, humanitarian , moral duty and in response to God’s directives to support the oppressed.


resource : SABA