Local authority in Taiz mourns central correctional facility's director in province


Yemen News Agency SABA
Local authority in Taiz mourns central correctional facility's director in province
[27/ June/2024]
TAIZ June 27. 2024 (Saba) - The local authority in Taiz Province mourned the director of the central correctional facility in the province, Colonel Ahmed Saeed Al-Junaid, who passed away after a life full of giving.

In the obituary statement, it praised the deceased’s virtues , the qualities and dedication he had in performing his work, which earned him the respect of everyone.

Local authority expressed its sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased over this affliction... asking God Almighty to dwell him in spacious gardens, to inspire his family , loved ones with patience and solace.

"We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return".


resource : SABA