European Union warns of catastrophic humanitarian continuation situation in Gaza Strip

Yemen News Agency SABA
European Union warns of  catastrophic humanitarian continuation situation in Gaza Strip
[27/ June/2024]
BRUSSEELS June 27. 2024 (Saba) - The European Union warned on Thursday of the continuing catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, as a result of the Zionist aggression that has been ongoing for nearly nine months.

This came in a press statement by EU Foreign Policy Coordinator Josep Borrell, prior to the European Council meetings in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

"the ceasefire approved by the UN Security Council has not yet been implemented," Borrell said, stressing that humanitarian aid must be allowed to enter the Gaza Strip, on which Israel imposes a strict siege that has led to famine.

"What we are currently seeing is a continuation of famine and bombing," the European official added, explaining that "stopping military action, providing more humanitarian support to Gaza, and considering a political solution are the most urgent matters at the present time."

The Zionist enemy forces continue their aggression against the Gaza Strip, ignoring the UN Security Council resolutions to stop it “immediately,” and the orders of the International Court of Justice to end the invasion of Rafah in the south of the Strip and take measures to prevent acts of genocide and improve the dire humanitarian situation.


resource : SABA