Hamas demands immediate international action to stop Zionist enemy crimes in Shujaiya neighborhood


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas demands immediate international action to stop Zionist enemy crimes in Shujaiya neighborhood
[27/ June/2024]
GAZA June 27. 2024 (Saba) - The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, called for immediate international action to stop the crimes of murder, destruction, and forced displacement committed by the Zionist enemy since Thursday morning in Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

Hamas said in a statement that the intense bombardment of the Shujaiya neighborhood, issuing warnings to evacuate the neighborhood, and beginning an incursion into it, increasing numbers of martyrs and pushing thousands to flee from it under the the bombing. It is a continuation of the war of extermination waged by the enemy government against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, with the full support and coverage of the American administration.

It stressed that the policy of repeatedly targeting cities, camps and neighborhoods, and deliberately killing civilians and destroying infrastructure, is a full-fledged war crime, occurring under the eyes of the entire world, which requires immediate action from the international community to stop these crimes and hold the occupation leaders accountable.

It stressed that these crimes and occupation policies will only increase the Palestinian people’s determination to remain steadfast on their land and challenge the occupation and its plans, adding that the resistance will continue to confront the occupation army and strengthen its soldiers and officers until the aggression is broken and defeated.


resource : SABA