Canada imposes sanctions on individuals, entities for supporting settler attacks in West Bank

Yemen News Agency SABA
Canada imposes sanctions on individuals, entities for supporting settler attacks in West Bank
[27/ June/2024]

OTTAWA June 27. 2024 (Saba) - Canada on Thursday sanctioned seven individuals and five entities for their role in facilitating, supporting or contributing financially to settler attacks against Palestinian citizens in the occupied West Bank.

"The new sanctions include seven individuals and five entities for their role in facilitating, supporting or contributing financially to acts of violence by extremist Zionist settlers against Palestinian citizens and their properties in the West Bank," the Canadian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"Extremist settler violence has resulted in loss of life and damage to Palestinian property and agricultural land," the statement said.

Last month, Canada sanctioned four settlers who took part in attacks against citizens in the West Bank.

The United States, the United Kingdom, France and New Zealand have imposed sanctions on settlers for their involvement in attacks against Palestinian citizens.

During 2023, the Israeli occupation forces and settler militias carried out 12,161 attacks against citizens and their properties in the West Bank, including 9,751 attacks carried out by the occupation forces, 2,410 attacks carried out by settler militias, and 206 joint attacks, according to the Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee.


resource : Saba