Evenings in Al-Dhahar, Al-Saddah and Al-Mishnah in Ibb on Wilayat day


Yemen News Agency SABA
Evenings in Al-Dhahar, Al-Saddah and Al-Mishnah in Ibb on Wilayat day
[27/ June/2024]
IBB June 27. 2024 (Saba) - A cultural evening was held in the Al-Dhahar area in Al-Dhahar District, Ibb Governorate, today on the occasion of Wilayat day of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him.

The evening's speeches, in the presence of the mobilization officials in the Western Square Directorates, Hussein Al-Muayyad and Al-Dhahar Alaa Al-Sada, stressed the importance of the principle Wilayat and its role in strengthening the status of the nation and its path on the path that God wanted for it and not deviating and slipping towards allegiance to the enemies.

The speeches indicated that the nation today is in dire need of the principle of Wilayat in its correct Quranic concept, and the principle of Wilayat in Islam is a great, important and fundamental principle.

The evening included chanting and folkloric segments in celebration of this occasion.

In addition, a cultural evening was held in Al-Masqat village in Al-Saddah District in celebration of this occasion.

resource : Saba