Hajjah customs losses...living evidence of American-Saudi-Emirati criminality


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hajjah customs losses...living evidence of American-Saudi-Emirati criminality
[29/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 29. 2024 (Saba) - The customs sector in Hajjah Governorate severely damaged, like other vital sectors, as a result of the American, Saudi, and Emirati aggression systematically targeting the Yemeni people and their capabilities during the past nine years.

The aggression deliberately destroyed the most important land ports in Yemen, “Al-Tawal Port” in Haradh, and disrupted it because of its major importance in moving the wheel of development and enhancing the movement of commercial and economic activity.

In light of the strategic location of the Tawal land port and the modern equipment, infrastructure, inspection devices and mechanisms it possesses, the port was a target for aggression aircraft to target and destroy its infrastructure and vital facilities, including buildings and annexes such as roads, electric generating stations, oil derivatives, inspection devices and means of transportation.

A report issued by Hajjah governorate Customs, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) stated that the initial direct losses in the port’s infrastructure exceeded eight million dollars, in addition to presence of large quantities of goods in the port’s warehouses.

It reported that the aggression caused the total destruction of the cargo, passenger and housing units at the port, and even the security and guarding unit was not spared from systematic targeting of the largest land ports in Yemen.

Cargo unit:

The report indicated that the aggression aircraft completely destroyed five buildings, “goods, exports, fisheries, agricultural wealth, and specifications, standards, and quality,” along with two inspection benches with awnings, hangars for imports and exports, large mosque, and lounge for receiving guests.

The aggression aircraft also destroyed X-ray inspection machines for inspecting goods, which are considered among the latest devices and the automated system, two employee transport buses, a diesel tanker truck, and two Toyota service vehicles.

According to the report, the aggression aircraft targeted, in the cargo unit, electrical generation stations consisting of two generators of varying capacity, oil derivatives, sewage, and water desalination from customs wells with their tanks.

Not only did the aggression aircraft destroy what was mentioned above, but it continued to launch its raids, targeting a hangar for warehouses storing goods such as “electric generators, motorcycles, car spare parts, well pumps, suction motors, various medical devices, various communications devices, office tools, and other items the goods".

According to the report, targeting the passenger unit at the Tawal port resulted in the destruction of four two-storey buildings and three benches for inspecting travelers’ equipment, along with hangars and hangars belonging to “arrival and departure”... As well as a duty-free hangar, two mosques, and a guest reception lounge with integrated furniture.

The aggression aircraft destroyed an X-ray examination device consisting of a mobile vehicle and an integrated automated system network with servers, two buses, a Hilux service vehicle, and a reservations transportation vehicle.

The Customs Office report pointed out that the aggression aircraft destroyed a two-megawatt power station, an oil derivatives station, and a large water distribution tank.

Housing unit:

The report presented the targeting of the housing unit, which resulted in the destruction of two three-story buildings, a mosque, a rest area with a reception hall, a school for employees’ children, a full restaurant, and a sports field.

It stated that an artesian well was destroyed along with its excavator, water tanks, electronic devices, furniture, air conditioners, a sewage station, and a large water distribution tank.

Security unit and guards:

The American-Saudi- Emirati aggression aircraft destroyed two three-storey buildings in the security unit, a mosque, eight guard facilities, an integrated surveillance device system, four cars for guard personnel, two service buses, and oil derivatives station with ground tanks.

Cumulative losses:

The report of the Hajjah governorate Customs Office explained that the cumulative losses in revenues that were supporting the state treasury due to the closure of the port are estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

It pointed out that imports through the port during the year 2014 exceeded 163 billion riyals, while exports amounted to 42 billion and 578 million riyals, while the unrecovered loss as a result of the aggression amounted to 166 billion and 703 million riyals.

The crimes of the American-Saudi- Emirati aggression over the past nine years remain a witness, even today to the extent of the criminality, arrogance, and arrogance of the forces of global hegemony and arrogance, led by America, and its tools, against the Yemeni people, who are waging the battle of the “promised conquest and holy jihad” against America, Britain, and Israel in support of the people and the Palestinian cause.


resource : SABA