FM condemns decision to convert five settlement outposts in West Bank into permanent settlements

Yemen News Agency SABA
FM condemns decision to convert five settlement outposts in West Bank into permanent settlements
[29/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 29. 2024 (Saba) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the Zionist enemy government’s approval of the decision to transform five settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank into permanent settlements and to advance plans to build six thousand new units throughout the West Bank, known as the “Smotrich Plan.”

The Ministry explained in a statement, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that this Zionist measure comes within the framework of the enemy’s attempts to change the legal, historical and demographic status of the occupied Palestinian territories.

The statement stressed that the Zionist enemy’s measures, despite their violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and the provisions of international law, came to confirm the enemy entity’s dependence on unlimited political, military, financial , logistical support from the United States of America as a permanent member of the Security Council and capable of aborting any international move to stop or condemn the Zionist enemy for its brutal crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Ministry renewed its call to the Arab and Islamic countries that have normalized relations with the Zionist enemy, to stop normalization and respond to the demands of their people, because free normalization has had counterproductive results, as it has led to an increase in war crimes , genocide committed by the enemy against the Palestinians, and what is happening in Gaza Strip is the best evidence and witness to that.


resource : SABA