Zionist army upsurges bombing on Gaza, leaves more martyrs, casualties


Yemen News Agency SABA
Zionist army upsurges bombing on Gaza, leaves more martyrs, casualties
[29/ June/2024]
GAZA June 29. 2024 (Saba) - Dozens of Palestinians were killed and others were injured early on Saturday, when the Israeli army renewed bombing different parts of Gaza Strip for the 267th day in a row.

Zionist artillery targeted IDP camps and farming lands in Mawasy, north Gaza City, leaving many civilians martyred and others wounded, the Palestinian news agency quoted medical sources as saying.

Rescuers recovered five dead bodies, the sources added, after "enemy machines retreated from al-Shakoush area," west Rafah City.

Israeli vehicles opened fire at civil houses in the eastern part of Khan Younis City.

To the middle of the Strip, two civilians were killed and tens of others were injured by Zionist airstrikes that bombed a home in Maghazi Camp and targeted the northern and western parts of Nossairat Camp.


resource : Saba