Massive crowds in 14 squares in victory for Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Massive crowds in 14 squares in victory for Gaza
[29/ June/2024]
JAWF June 29. 2024 (Saba) - The people of Al-Jawf Province gathered in 14 squares, in large mass marches, “There is no pride for the peoples of the nation without victory for Gaza.”

The participants in the marches in the city of Al-Hazm, Al-Humaidat, Al-Waghra, Rajouza, Al-Zahir, Al-Oqda, Al-Maton, Al-Matma, Al-Marashi, Al-Anan, Al-Mabbara Al-Gharbi, Rahoub, Al-Yatmah in Khub Al-Shaaf and Al-Maslub expressed their condemnation of the massacres of the Zionist enemy entity and the genocidal war against women, children, the elderly and civilians in Gaza.

They praised the military operations of the Yemeni forces and the axis of resistance against the Zionist enemy, emphasizing the firm position of faith and principle in support of the Palestinian people and the resistance in Gaza Strip and all of Palestine.

They appreciated the qualitative achievements achieved by the armed forces, the most recent of which was the unveiling of the locally made "Hatem 2" hypersonic missile and the humiliating escape of the US warplane carrier "Eisenhower."


resource : SABA