Beginning of end for American arrogance

Yemen News Agency SABA
Beginning of end for American arrogance
[30/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 30. 2024 (Saba) - The choice of military force, which the Republic of Yemen took in the face of American-Western arrogance, was an ideal choice to confront an enemy that only knows the language of force and to support and assist the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation and Palestinian people.

This choice exposed the lie of American military power, which kept saying that it was invincible, and made the people of the world rethink the possibility of confronting America and saying “no” to its reckless policy.

Many peoples have been liberated from the fear that America has planted in the hearts of many of the world’s leaders, and this is the result of The courageous confrontation in the Red and Arab seas and Bab al-Mandab Strait, between the Yemeni Navy and the American-British-Western war machine, which has become a reality in today’s world.

Since its founding until today, America has committed war crimes in many countries, and has dealt with the world with superiority governed by a sense of military force, but it is impossible for the situation to last.
The era of American-British-Western arrogance and control has begun to fade, and features of the formation of a new world with strong alliances are beginning to appear on the horizon, heralding the establishment of a multipolar system led by Russia and China, ending the remnants of the outcomes of World War II, which America and the colonial West built to protect their interests and ensure their control over the world.

The United States of America and its allies in the colonial countries of Europe must be aware of this bitter truth for them, and that there is no escape from the demise of a unipolar system that has infected the bitter world in many shapes and colors, and has consumed many peoples and nations in various continents of the world.

A new political reality is taking shape in the world on the ruins of the unilateral world led by America.
This new order has collided and will collide with America's and the colonial West's determination to preserve it and the survival of the old international order, but to no avail, as change is an essential feature of life and the movement of history that cannot be stopped and is not subject to the desires of the regimes and their leaders.

The Western media machine has created a frightening bogeyman from the United States of America on the international level, especially in the Middle East and the Arab Gulf states.
Which left the regimes of these countries convinced that it was impossible to stand before that state, and that there was no escape from surrendering to all its dictates and submitting to its orders.. But the reality of the situation today and what the Yemeni Navy did in its titanic confrontation with the American Navy refuted these matters and imposed a military reality, and a new political reality will follow it. It contributes to the closure of the unipolar file, which is led by the United States of America.


resource : SABA