Paris Olympics: France spends billions to host world's most prestigious sporting event

Yemen News Agency SABA
Paris Olympics: France spends billions to host world's most prestigious sporting event
[30/ June/2024]
PARIS June 30. 2024 (Saba) - France is preparing to spend a huge bill to host the Summer Olympics, amounting to about nine billion euros.

According to Agence France-Presse on Sunday, based on the Center for Law and Economics of Sports "CDES", the world's most prestigious sporting event will achieve economic gains ranging between 6.7 and 11.1 billion euros for the city of Paris.

Ahead of the opening ceremony scheduled for July 26, the relevant ministers and financial controllers are still awaiting the final cost and financial gains that the games will achieve.

The French authorities estimate the cost of the Paris Olympics at about nine billion euros (9.6 billion US dollars), although confirming the official figure requires additional time. The cost is often difficult to predict or confirm.

The Japanese Audit Committee was previously quoted as saying that the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, which were delayed by a year until 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, cost about 12.9 billion dollars.


resource : Saba