Iraqi Foreign Ministry condemns US Congress interference in Iraqi internal affairs

Yemen News Agency SABA
Iraqi Foreign Ministry condemns US Congress interference in Iraqi internal affairs
[30/ June/2024]
BAGHDAD June 30. 2024 (Saba) - The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday denounced the interference of the US Congress in Iraqi internal affairs, rejecting the statements of US Congressman Mike Waltz against the head of the Iraqi Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan.

"We followed statements and directions of the US Congressman, Mike Waltz, towards the Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan,” the Ministry said in a statement, stressing its "complete rejection of what was stated in these statements regarding the infringement on the person of the Chairman of the Judicial Council and the basic rights of the Iraqi state, which he represents," according to the Iranian Tasnim Agency.

In the statement, the Ministry dismissed these statements as "blatant interference in Iraqi internal affairs," stressing that "attempting to influence the judiciary is a violation of the most important components of the state entity, which is responsible for achieving justice, equality, and stability of the country."

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry expressed its "regret at the attempts to involve Congress in such issues, as they constitute interference in the sovereignty of countries and their judicial systems."

Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, earlier on Saturday considered what was reported by American media regarding Republican Congressman (Mike Waltz) submitting a draft law amendment and including a clause affecting the Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, "a dangerous precedent."


resource : SABA