Confrontations after Zionist raid, arrest campaign in occupied West Bank

Yemen News Agency SABA
Confrontations after Zionist raid, arrest campaign in occupied West Bank
[30/ June/2024]
RAMALLAH June 30. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist enemy forces, last night and at dawn on Sunday, launched a campaign of raids and arrests in various parts of the occupied West Bank, sparking confrontations in several areas.

Confrontations broke out with enemy forces during the storming of Sarra village, west of Nablus, and the rebel youth threw Molotov cocktails at the enemy forces during the storming of the village.

Enemy forces also arrested Asid Fatayer, a doctor at An-Najah University, and Sheikh Fadi Ghazal after storming their homes in Ras al-Ayn in Nablus.

Enemy forces stormed Talfit town , south of Nablus, and carried out raids on a number of homes.

In Hebron, enemy forces arrested four young men after storming their homes in Yatta.

The Zionist enemy forces also stormed Jit town, east of Qalqilya.
Late last night, a Zionist settler was injured as a result of being beaten by rebellious youth in the Qalandia camp, north of occupied Quds.

The rebellious youth managed to catch up with the settler and throw stones at his car, before setting it on fire and burning it completely near the Qalandiya checkpoint, north of Quds.

The Authority's security services rescued the settler and accompanied him until he was handed over to enemy soldiers at the checkpoint.


resource : SABA