Israeli Media: 900 Officers Requested Discharge This Year Compared to 100 in Previous Years

Yemen News Agency SABA
Israeli Media: 900 Officers Requested Discharge This Year Compared to 100 in Previous Years
[01/ July/2024]
OCCUPIED AL-QUDS July 01. 2024 (Saba) - Israeli media revealed on Monday the worsening manpower crisis in the Israeli "army," noting that this "army" is finding it difficult to retain its officers.

Channel 12 reported that "900 officers with the ranks of captain and major requested discharge from the 'army' this year," compared to 100 to 120 officers who requested it in previous years.

The channel considered the sharp increase in the number of officers requesting discharge as a "crisis for the state, not just the army," describing the situation as "worrying."

Military analyst Nir Dvori on Channel 12 explained that one of the most challenging issues now is keeping officers in important positions within the "army." He noted that in recent months, it has become evident that officers are inclined to leave the "army" or are considering doing so.

He added that most officers with the ranks of captain and major are in their late twenties and are supposed to stay and plan their careers for the next 15 to 20 years in the "army," according to him.

Regarding the reasons for the increase in the number of officers requesting discharge, Dvori mentioned that October 7 was one of the main reasons, along with incentives and bonuses, as well as the delegitimization campaigns against the "army" by some Israelis and certain politicians.


resource : Saba