Bagheri: Iran is one of Most active countries in creating world free of chemical weapon

Yemen News Agency SABA
Bagheri: Iran is one of Most active countries in creating  world free of chemical weapon
[01/ July/2024]
TEHRAN July 01. 2024 (Saba) - Acting Foreign Minister of Iran, Ali Bagheri affirmed Monday that his country is one of the most active nations in creating a world free of chemical weapons.

Tasnim International News Agency reported that Bagheri, in his speech during the ceremony to commemorate the National Day of Combating Chemical Weapons and the anniversary of the chemical attack on the city of Sardasht, said: "The countries that supported Saddam in producing and using chemical weapons against Iran support the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Zionist entity in Gaza."

He added: "The Islamic Republic of Iran has never resorted to inhumane weapons; rather, it has always been and continues to be one of the defenders of the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and is considered one of the most effective and active countries in creating a world free of chemical weapons."


resource : Saba