Satanic Zionist expansionism in WB blows up Oslo treaty and kills 'Two-State' solution

Yemen News Agency SABA
Satanic Zionist expansionism in WB blows up Oslo treaty and kills 'Two-State' solution
[01/ July/2024]

SANA'A July 01. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist enemy entity has adopted serious punitive measures, introduced by the so called "Israeli minister of finance", the extremist Bezalel Smotrich, that included expansion of settlement in the West Bank and legitimization of 5 settlements in areas supposed to be under the Palestinian Authority's control.

International agencies and world countries say the Zionist settlement projects in the West Bank undermine every hope to realize the so called 'two-State' Solution and portend a wide-ranging regional conflict.

The West Bank is witnessing the largest confiscation of lands by the occupier entity since the signature of Oslo Treaty 31 years ago, a step that conflicts the international law and, according to observers, risks to undermine any chance for peace based on the Two-State solution.

"Peace Now" Organization states that the confiscation of Jordan Valley, in the eastern versants of the West Bank, has been the largest after Oslo Treaty was inked with the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1993.

Organizations and many politicians warn against the complications of the Zionist decision, seen by some as a "coup that would lead to more explosion of the situations in the West Bank and increase the risks of a wider conflict in the region.

The Zionist step comes amid Zionist brutal aggression on the sieged Strip of Gaza and raids experienced by different parts of the occupied West Bank as well as arrests and assaults repeatedly committed by Zionist forces and settlers led by the extremist minister, Ben Gvir.

Since the Zionist aggression began on Gaza Strip on 7 October 2023, the occupier has intensified the raids in many areas of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinians think that the accelerated pace of settlement erection is not linked only to ideological motives, but also to political purposes, as the Zionist government believes in settlement and relies on Zionists' votes in the elections.

The Jordan Valley makes up 30 percent of the occupied West Bank and includes half of its cultivable lands. In this area 65,000 Palestinians and 11,000 settlers live, according to the official channel, 'Palestine', while some 3 million Palestinians live in the West Bank, according to AFP.

The United States and European Union oppose the Zionist expansionist settlement erection and plans in the occupied West Bank.

In this regard, political analysts warned that the West Bank's current situation poses the most dangerous challenge facing the Palestinian people since the disaster of 1948. The warning came in the aftermath of a series of recent decisions made by the Zionist Knesset, which were dubbed as "very dangerous".

The description of what happening in the West Bank as the riskiest danger facing the Palestinian people since 1948 came because the Zionist Knesset-made decisions are very dangerous, said the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, Dr. Mustafa al-Barghowthi.

The Zionist ministerial security cabinet adopted the measures which were introduced by Smotrich and included the settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.

These decisions mean a declaration on adding the West Bank to lands under the Zionist control, Dr. Barghowthi told Al-Jazeera TV, as this is the first time the occupier draws security jurisdiction from the Palestinian Authority in zone 'C', and civil jurisdiction in zone 'B'.

This means that 82 percent of the West Bank is now under military and security control of the Zionist entity, he added, accusing the occupier of blowing up Oslo Treaty by taking such steps.

The Knesset decisions are aimed to Judaize and join the West Bank to the Zionist entity, and to alter lands of an occupied country (where settlements represent odd objects) into completely Zionist context in accordance with Smotrich plan that seeks to expand settlement and limit the Palestinian villages and towns in absolutely-deserted areas, the Palestinian official said.

The ongoing Judaization of the West Bank is project adopted by the Zionist prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who devoted his political life to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian independent state, Barghowthi said, with "Zionist press magnifying about the resistance's arms in order to justify massacres committed by the Zionist enemy army."

The Zionist entity has always seen Authority as its security agent, but not real authority, he added, citing the words of some Zionist leaders about the establishment of a "certain body" to manage Gaza Strip in behalf of a usurping entity fearing that the Bank is somehow linked to the Strip.

The Zionist entity wants an authority that would undertake civil affairs of the people in the West Bank, while the entity itself would Judaize, join and occupy the Bank with no responsibility or costs, Barghowthi said.

"If it wants to maintain its presence, the Palestinian Authority needs to quit the negotiation project and become a part of the resistance project," he added, noting that all the West Bank's people do not feel safe.

For Muhanad Mustafa, an academic expert in Zionist affairs, the source of power enjoyed by the "Zionist Right's central current" lies in the fact that it wants to build settlements by means of military raids, and seeks to dismantle any military organization in the Bank, while maintaining the presence of a "weak Palestinian authority."

The resistance's improved capacities put the Zionist entity before many options, including a military approach it is currently using (in accordance to a Zionist saying: What can't be obtained by force, would be obtained by more force"), Dr. Mustafa added.

However, there is another current that calls for a political solution through strengthening the Palestinian Authority - beyond the Two-State Solution - so as to play a role in confronting the resistance, he said.

The Zionist entity's deep state and research centers are concerned at a potential collapse of the Palestinian Authority, that would not serve the interests of the occupier or the Zionist right wing in the present, Dr. Mustafa argued.


resource : Saba