Popular Front condemns Germany's decision to expel some foreigners over their posts criticizing Zionist enemy


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular Front condemns Germany's decision to expel some foreigners over their posts criticizing Zionist enemy
[01/ July/2024]

GAZA July 01.2024 (SABA) - The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemned, on Sunday, in the strongest terms, the decision issued by the German authorities to expel some foreigners based on monitoring their posts criticizing the Zionist enemy and supporting the rights of the Palestinian people on the Internet.

The Front said in a statement: "This decision constitutes a dangerous escalation in German policies supporting the occupation, and reveals once again the true face of Zionism rooted in German government circles, which always clearly and brazenly declares its support for the Zionist genocidal regime."

The Front noted that this dangerous decision is nothing but a failed attempt to suppress free voices denouncing the crimes of the Zionist enemy, and an attempt to silence mouths that expose the official German positions hostile to the rights of the Palestinian people and support the occupation.

The Front called on the German authorities to "immediately reverse these repressive measures, recognize everyone's right to express their opinions, especially regarding the position on the Palestinian issue, and stop the policy of hypocrisy in dealing with legitimate voices inside Germany that stand in solidarity with Palestine, while turning a blind eye to the practices of some Zionists inside Germany, and even providing protection for these racist and criminal voices."

The Front called on all activists and supporters of Palestine in Germany to intensify their pressure activities on the German authorities to stop these unjust measures, and to continue exposing the malicious role played by official Germany in supporting the Zionist occupation and legitimizing and justifying its crimes.

resource : Saba