Al-Rishq demands that enemy be held accountable for using detainees as human shields

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Rishq demands that enemy be held accountable for using detainees as human shields
[01/ July/2024]
GAZA July 01.2024 (SABA) - Member of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, Izzat Al-Rishq, called for holding the Zionist enemy accountable for using Palestinian detainees as human shields and bringing it to trial for committing this crime.

Al-Rishq said in a press statement early Monday morning, commenting on a video published by Al-Jazeera: "The use of Palestinian detainees as human shields by the Nazi occupation army during its terrorist operations in the Gaza Strip is a full-fledged war crime, a flagrant violation of all laws of war and prisoners' rights, and a disregard for all international covenants, laws and treaties."

He added: The crime of human shields comes to be added to the record of crimes and violations to which Palestinian detainees are subjected in Nazi concentration camps, which included all forms of brutal revenge from starvation, humiliation, torture, deliberate medical neglect, deprivation of food and medicine, breaking limbs, slow killing, and field executions.

He called on the international community to condemn this crime, and called on the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court to add human shield crimes to the file of war crimes for which the occupation leaders are being tried.


resource : Saba