Somali president denies talks with al-Shabaab amid military operations

Yemen News Agency SABA
Somali president denies talks with al-Shabaab amid military operations
[02/ July/2024]
MOGADISHU July 02. 2024 (Saba) - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud categorically denied on Tuesday any ongoing negotiations between the government and Al-Shabaab terrorist group, affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

Speaking at an event commemorating Somalia's 64th independence anniversary, President Mohamud assured the Somali people that the government will not entertain any discussions with Al-Shabaab.

Reports circulating about potential talks were dismissed by President Mohamud, emphasizing the government's commitment to military operations against Al-Shabaab.

Recent efforts by the Somali army have intensified, leading to significant territorial gains in central Somalia after years of conflict with the militant group.

It is worth mentioning that the Somali army recently intensified its military operations targeting members of al-Shabaab movement, with which it has been engaged in battles for over a decade.

Several months ago, the army successfully reclaimed multiple areas from the movement in central Somalia.

resource : Saba