Yemeni Shura council presidency discusses council activity, national, Palestinian developments

Yemen News Agency SABA
Yemeni Shura council presidency discusses council activity, national, Palestinian developments
[02/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 02. 2024 (Saba) - Shura Council's presidency convened its regular meeting on Tuesday under the leadership of Council President Mohammed al-Aidaros.

The meeting focused on the council's activities for the year 1445 AH and updates regarding national and Palestinian events.

The council praised the Yemeni Armed Forces' significant operations, including those conducted by the Missile Force, Drone Force and Naval Forces, intensifying their use of advanced weaponry such as "Hatem 2" and "Palestine" missiles, as well as unmanned warships recently unveiled.

The meeting commended the Yemeni Armed Forces' successful targeting of four coalition ships belonging to the tripartite alliance of "America, Britain, and Israel" with guided missiles in the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean, in response to their disregard of warnings issued by the Yemeni Navy.

The meeting noted the directives of the Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, to grant a deadline to everyone involved with the intelligence services of the American-Zionist aggression who initiates voluntary cooperation with the Security and Intelligence Service before the hand of justice reaches them.

The council strongly condemned the Saudi authorities' irresponsible actions against Yemeni pilgrims, preventing their return through Sana'a International Airport after completing Hajj rituals, redirecting them to Aden Airport, holding the Saudi regime responsible for the safety of stranded Yemeni pilgrims and ensuring their return to Sana'a without additional costs or burdens.

Furthermore, the meeting addressed developments in Palestine, denouncing the heinous massacres, genocide, and violations of prisoners' rights committed by the Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people.

The council reviewed the Community Committee's report on council members' activities during the month of Dhul-Hijjah, presented by the committee's deputy chairman, Engineer Lutf al-Jarmouzi, regarding field visits to frontlines and hospitals for the wounded, and participation in state celebrations.

Moreover, the council listened to Secretary-General Ali Abdulmaghani's presentation on the Shura Council delegation's visit to Sa'ada province, commemorating the Statehood Day and identifying challenges faced by the province.

The council urged the preparation of proposals accompanied by suitable recommendations to address Saada's difficulties and challenges, forwarding them to the Supreme Political Council. It also commended the field activities and Eid visits by council members to fronts, wounded individuals, and continuous participation in official, popular, and religious events.

The council discussed the Human Rights and Public Liberties Committee's report on persons with disabilities, hearing presentations by committee chairman Hasiba Sheneif and member Abdulmalik al-Qaifi on report highlights, conclusions, and recommendations.

Highlighting the report's inclusion of necessary statistics related to the increasing cases of disabilities due to direct aggression targeting civilian properties, residential areas, mourning halls, and wedding venues, the council approved the Human Rights and Public Liberties Committee's report and referred it to the main committee after incorporating feedback.

Additionally, the meeting reviewed the council's activity levels, its permanent committees, the Community Committee, technical units, and the General Secretariat for the current year, approving necessary measures to prepare the annual report on activity execution levels.

Furthermore, the meeting approved the general guidelines for the council activity plan project and its various formations, as well as the council plan project outlined within the 1446 AH National Vision and the necessary procedures for its preparation.

resource : Saba