Popular march for graduates of open military courses in Lahj


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular march for graduates of open military courses in Lahj
[02/ July/2024]
LAHJ July 02. 2024 (Saba) - A popular mobilization march was held in Al-Qubaita District, Lahj Province, for the third batch of mobilization forces for graduates of the open courses “Al-Aqsa Flood”.

The march, which comes within the battle of the “Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad,” began from Al-Shurayjah area and reached Al-Hajr district Junction in Al-Qubaita District.

The province's mobilization official, Jamil Al-Sufi, praised the high level of graduates of open courses and the combat skills they acquired.

He urged continued mobilization in preparation for fighting the battle of “supporting Gaza” against America and global Zionism until victory is achieved.


resource : SABA