Restoring electrical connection to water project in center Hajjah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Restoring electrical connection to water project in center Hajjah
[02/ July/2024]
HAJJAH July 02. 2024 (Saba) - The technical teams of the Hajjah Region Electricity and the local water and sanitation corporation in the Province restored the electrical connection to the water operating and pumping stations.

The Director General of the Local Water Corporation in the Province, Engineer Amin Al-Mughalis, explained that this step comes based on the directives of the Head of the Supreme Political Council, the president Mahdi Al-Mashat, and in implementation of the recommendations of the Parliament and the caretaker government to solve the water problem in the center of the Province.

He appreciated the interest of the President of the Supreme Political Council and the leadership of Water Ministry and the Province in resolving the difficulties facing the institution and the keenness to alleviate the suffering of citizens.

Al-Mughalis appreciated the cooperation of the leadership of the Ministry and the Electricity Corporation in directing the completion of the connection work.

Meanwhile, Deputy Director General of the Local Water Corporation, Ibrahim Saasa, indicated that the restoration of electrical power included the re-pumping stations in Al-Nawaem, Ain Ali in the Province center, Al-Hashiya, and Al-Rashanat in Shars, affiliated with the Local Water Corporation.
In turn, the Director of the Province Center Directorate, Engineer Issam Al-Wazzan, pointed out the importance of restoring the electrical connection to the water project to meet the needs of citizens.

He called on everyone to cooperate with the Corporation in the collection process so that it can fulfill its obligations and ensure continuity of service.


resource : SABA