Shura Council Speaker offers his condolences on free fighter Major General Khaled Paras death

Yemen News Agency SABA
Shura Council Speaker offers his condolences on free fighter Major General Khaled Paras death
[03/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 03. 2024 (Saba) - The Speaker of the Shura Council, Muhammad Hussein Al-Aidaroos, sent a message of condolences on the death of the unionist activist, Major General Khaled Baras, advisor to the Supreme Political Council and head of the Southern Movement component participating in the National Dialogue Conference, who passed away today at the age of 85 years after a life full of giving and national struggle. .

In the condolence telegram he sent to the deceased’s sons, Walid and Nawfal, his family members, and all Baras tribe at home and abroad, Al-Aidaroos noted the virtues of the deceased, his national and militant stances that were recognized during the October 14 Revolution, and his prominent role in liberation, achieving independence, and combating aggression against Yemen.

The Shura Council Speaker expressed his sincere condolences and great sympathy to the children of the deceased and all members of his family in the Hajar area of Sayun District in Hadhramaut Province regarding this affliction, asking God Almighty to cover the deceased with wide mercy , forgiveness , to inspire his family , loved ones with patience and solace. “We belong to God and to Him we shall return.”


resource : SABA