Biden administration persists in not recognizing ongoing Zionist aggression on Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Biden administration persists in not recognizing ongoing Zionist aggression on Gaza
[03/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 03. 2024 (Saba) - The administration of US President Joe Biden is trying hard not to recognize the ugliness of what has been happening in the Gaza Strip since the seventh of October 2023, and continues to see the arrival of the victims of the Zionist aggression to about 38,000 martyrs, most of them women and children, as nothing but an inevitable and unfortunate price for the Zionist entity to exercise claims of its "right to defend itself."

With this shameful stance, the Biden administration has abandoned its pledges to recalibrate its positions to conform to international law, which would lose international institutions and fail the rights enshrined in the UN Charter and international treaties, including the Genocide Convention and human rights conventions.

Despite the sound of the alarm by UN agencies, international organizations and experts as the Zionist entity continues to bomb the Gaza Strip by air, land and sea, destroying the Strip, harming and starving the population in Gaza and using starvation as a weapon of war, US officials repeat their claims that they have no reason to assess what indicates the possibility of genocide, and the Biden administration still insists that the legal claims against the Zionist entity are "baseless."

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby repeated his claims that Washington "continues to believe that the genocide is unfounded and that the court has not reached a conclusion on the genocide, nor called for a ceasefire in its ruling, and that the court has called for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas."

Experts assert that the Biden administration is guilty of aiding and abetting genocide against Palestinians and that it has also flagrantly violated the U.S. Genocide Convention Implementation Act, so of course they will go on to repeat what they say is that there is no basis for the claim."

Given the American support for the Zionist aggression on Gaza, in which the Biden administration has exceeded all limits of support by sending weapons even without the approval of Congress, the current administration has become a mouthpiece for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoing Netanyahu's narratives and narratives and bearing the resistance for the failure of the exchange deal, knowing that Netanyahu is the obstruction of any ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

The Biden administration has sent weapons and military equipment to the usurping entity more than twice since last October without congressional approval, in addition to sending more weapons, economic aid and political and diplomatic support to the entity, which according to experts was considered a key partner in the aggression against the Palestinians in Gaza.

With the Zionist entity on trial for genocide, the Biden administration will have difficulty denying the reality on the ground in Gaza, providing weapons to Israel and violating domestic and international law, and as such "U.S. actions will now have a greater impact on the deterioration of the rules-based international order if it refuses to comply with that regime's institutions," experts say.

The Court of Justice's decision implicitly warns the United States that it must realign its policy toward the Zionist entity not only to ensure that genocide is not committed or incited, but also that Washington takes positive action to prevent genocide in Gaza.

The Biden administration insists on providing full legal support to the Zionist entity in international forums, and this support has resulted in the use of its veto power three times to prevent binding resolutions from the United Nations Security Council on a ceasefire.

Although the Biden administration is trying to portray its interest in improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza, its support for the ceasefire and its establishment of a floating pier that failed miserably in delivering aid, it has been disgraced by the failure of the humanitarian aspect by not exerting enough effort and pressure on the Zionist entity to open land crossings such as the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings to bring humanitarian aid to the displaced and besieged residents of Gaza and those fleeing from city to city entered the Strip and from street to street, not knowing where to go.

Netanyahu's government ignores the current US administration and its calls for anything that does not correspond to Netanyahu's wishes, but the Biden administration nevertheless continues to send more weapons and bombs weighing two thousand pounds.

The Zionist entity has received more US foreign aid than any other country since World War II, but annual aid has dwindled due to funding and military equipment sent to Ukraine since February 2022.

The United States protects Israel in the UN Security Council, vetoing three draft resolutions related to the war in Gaza, and Washington abstained three times to allow the 15-member council to take action, most recently when the council demanded an immediate ceasefire.

Despite the Zionist entity's heinous murders against thousands of Palestinians, especially children and women, and that the whole world felt angry and wanted to stop the Zionist aggression on Gaza, the Biden administration did not feel angry even once, and Biden did not shake a hair of the ugliness of the Zionist crimes that have continued in the Gaza Strip for nine months.

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who is allied with the Democrats, said on "Podsafe America," a podcast that went viral on the Internet: "One day the president is 'angry' with Netanyahu, the next day he's 'very angry,' and the next day he's 'very, very angry.'" So what? At the same time, there is support for more military aid (to Israel) in a supplementary bill."

"You can't keep talking about your concerns about a humanitarian situation in Gaza and then give Netanyahu tens of billions more, or more bombs. It can't be done. This is hypocrisy."

According to Palestinian medical sources, the number of Palestinian martyrs in the Gaza Strip rose today, Wednesday, to 37,925, the majority of them children and women, and injuries to 87,141, since the start of the Zionist aggression on the seventh of last October, in an indefinite toll, as thousands of victims are still under the rubble and in the streets, and ambulance and rescue crews cannot reach them.


resource : SABA