Minister of Transport: Sana'a will not accept any patchwork solutions in issue of Sana'a airport except full opening to all destinations

Yemen News Agency SABA
Minister of Transport: Sana'a will not accept any patchwork solutions in issue of Sana'a airport except full opening to all destinations
[03/ July/2024]

SANA'A July 03. 2024 (Saba) - The Minister of Transport in the caretaker government, Abdul Wahab Al-Durra, said that Sana'a will not accept any patchwork solutions in the issue of Sana'a International Airport, except by fully opening all destinations and restoring flights as they were before the aggression.

The Minister of Transport also affirmed during a press conference today in Sana'a organized by the Ministries of Transport and Guidance and Hajj and Umrah Affairs, the determination of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council to take strict and strong measures that are not expected by aggression.

"As part of the economic and political war, the aggression coalition wants to restore the siege on Sanaa airport, while they open dozens of flights and destinations from airports under the control of the aggression coalition," he said.

He pointed out that the US-Saudi economic war on banks, aviations and others aims to stop Yemen's support for Gaza, which is subjected to the most heinous attack and genocide massacres. He pointed out that the alliance of evil is negotiating with the leadership to stop the economic war in exchange for stopping military operations against Zionist, American and British ships.

Minister Al-Durra stressed that the Yemeni people will not retreat from their position and will not be deterred by this war and targeting, and the evil coalition must stop the aggression on Gaza and Yemen immediately to stop these operations unless the escalation will be met with escalation.

He pointed to the need to restructure the management of Yemen Airways from its employees and leaders, known for integrity and efficiency, and from all Yemeni provinces and components. "The company must act as a national carrier owned by all the Yemeni people, not as a private company inherited by people or a political component, or as a tool in the hands of the aggression coalition to exchange roles to blockade Sanaa airport and citizens and deprive them of their right to travel," he said.

He added, "We were surprised by the arbitrary and unjustified decisions to transfer the remaining Yemen Airways and its employees to Aden and even the transfer of travel companies and agencies, and we did not find any position from the United Nations, the UN envoy, human rights organizations and the media against these decisions."

The Minister of Transport indicated that when the leadership of Yemen Airways in Sana'a kept the planes at its airport and its main center in Sana'a, and its workshop, which is considered one of the first workshops in the region, in a desire to rearrange and organize the company and correct its work as a national carrier, the media and social networking sites were abuzz forgetting that the Yemeni people are the owners of the company and that its main center is in Sana'a.

"It is the right of the company's leadership in Sana'a to take any decision in favor of the company, save it, correct and correct its work and management to provide its services to the Yemeni people," he said. He pointed out that the government in Sana'a is determined to open all airports of the Republic from Socotra to Saada without selection or discrimination, and to operate the flights of the national carrier Yemen Airways equally and according to the actual and economic need, and it is not possible to accept the operation of one airport and the suspension of another.

He added, "In our meeting with travel agencies, we rejected the arbitrary decisions of mercenaries on the transport sector and Yemenia, and warned against using Yemen Airways as a tool in the hands of the Saudi-American aggression coalition to blockade Sanaa airport, and insisting on arbitrary measures to blockade Sanaa airport, and we took strong measures to stop it at its limit."

The Minister of Transport stressed that a neutral national leadership will be chosen from the company's expertise and competencies to bring Yemen Airways to safety to provide its services to all the people of the Republic of Yemen away from politics, regionalism and paralysis.

In turn, Minister of Guidance and Hajj and Umrah Affairs Najib Al-Aji, at the press conference, which was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport for the Air Transport Sector Abdullah Al-Ansi, the Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yemen Airways Khalil Jahaf, the Undersecretary of the Civil Aviation Authority Raed Jabal and a number of representatives of travel agency offices in Sana'a, called for the speedy lifting of restrictions on all ports, especially Sana'a Airport, and the reopening of the electronic path for registering pilgrims through Sana'a Airport.

He stressed that the Ministry of Guidance is making efforts to return pilgrims to Sanaa International Airport by addressing the Saudi authorities to transport the remaining pilgrims under the instructions of the Saudi Civil Aviation Authority, which includes the Saudi Aviation Authority to transport pilgrims in the event of the carrier's failure or delay, from the guarantees deposited with it from the carrier, but the ministry has not received a response from the Saudi authorities so far.

He called on Yemen Airways to return the value of return tickets for pilgrims who were unable to return via Yemenia Airlines.

The Minister of Guidance held the Saudi regime fully responsible for detaining pilgrims. Demanding their return through Sana'a airport and compensation.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Transport, read by Deputy Minister of Transport Mohammed al-Hashemi, condemned the continued ban on flights to and from Yemeni airports, including Sana'a International Airport, by the aggression coalition.

He explained that for the tenth year, the countries of the aggression coalition continue to ban flights to and from the airports of the Republic of Yemen, including Sana'a International Airport, the main airport that serves 80 percent of the citizens of the Republic of Yemen, in violation of all international laws and treaties, which is a flagrant and flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations and international humanitarian law.

He considered the ban on flights to and from Sana'a airport by the countries of the coalition of aggression a siege for the Yemeni people at home and abroad.

The statement pointed out that statistics indicate that there are thousands of Yemeni travelers stranded outside the country, which requires their rapid return to Sana'a airport, after they were stranded and unable to afford accommodation expenses, especially since most of them traveled for the purpose of treatment, while tens of thousands of citizens urgently need to travel abroad through Sana'a airport as they are critical medical and humanitarian cases.

He stressed that the countries of the aggression coalition deliberately took a series of measures to destroy the air transport market and airlines in the Republic of Yemen.

He touched on the most prominent destructive measures taken during the truce period to ban flights from Sana'a International Airport and Yemen Airways, including the use of the aggression coalition and its tools as a card for political blackmail and the siege of the Yemeni people through limited and intermittent operation to and from Sana'a airport, which served only three percent of the need for travel to and from the airport.

The statement stressed the aggression coalition's disavowal of commitment to what was agreed upon in the truce more than two years ago regarding the opening of six destinations to and from Sana'a airport, most notably Jordan, Egypt, India and other important destinations, in order to serve the great need for patients and citizens in need of travel, considering flights to these destinations humanitarian, while operation from Sana'a airport was limited to one destination limited to Amman airport only.

He pointed out that after the aggression coalition destroyed the air transport sector and Yemeni air carriers and prevented Arab and regional airlines from operating to Yemeni airports and monopolized operation on Yemen Airways, the company's management in Aden exercised monopoly and discrimination in the prices of travel tickets among the Yemeni people and operated and scheduled the company's flights to destinations without economic feasibility, and does not serve the company or the Yemeni people, but rather serves the agendas of the countries of aggression.

Regarding the systematic destruction of Yemen Airways, the statement explained that "there are a series of measures taken by the Saudi-American aggression coalition through its tools, the latest of which was the authorization to transfer all the company's assets to Aden, as well as damaging travel agencies and offices in the Republic of Yemen, and stopping sales through them, which is a destruction of the company's capabilities, employees and the air transport market in Yemen."

He pointed out that the aggression coalition has enabled and protected the corrupt from its mercenaries to seize and systematically loot the company's funds by opening accounts for the company with private exchange companies inside and outside the country, disbursing them without any control, disrupting the company's official bank accounts, and looting its funds through suspicious purchases of used aircraft without being subject to technical and legal procedures and regulations governing this.

He stressed that in the context of the systematic destruction of the company's assets and capabilities, the aggression coalition deliberately disabled, through its tools, the maintenance and supply centers of the company's aircraft and replaced external maintenance centers with large sums.

He stated that within the framework of tightening the economic noose on the Yemeni people as a result of their approval of support for the Palestinian people, the countries of the aggression coalition instructed the company's management in Aden to close the flight reservation systems and withdraw powers to suffocate travel offices and agencies in areas that are not under the control of the aggression, leading to the closure of all reservation and sales systems inside the country and opening them in countries abroad, in a measure that contradicts all international laws regulating this regard, with the aim of destroying the country's economy, air transport market and Yemen Airways.

The Ministry of Transport condemned the arbitrary measures taken by the aggression coalition, the continued siege imposed on the Yemeni people, and the destruction and looting of its resources.

The statement stressed the serious and legal determination of the Ministry of Transport to take urgent measures and treatments in rearranging the situation of Yemen Airways, in accordance with the protocol of its establishment, which stipulates that the company's headquarters will be in the capital Sana'a and the company's operations center at Sana'a International Airport.

He stressed the need for Yemen Airways to conduct its work with complete impartiality and high technical professionalism in order to contribute to serving all Yemeni people without exception.

The Ministry of Transport again demanded the speedy lifting of the ban, blockade and all restrictions imposed on Sana'a International Airport and other airports of the Republic.

It also renewed the call to the international community, the United Nations, regional and international organizations and relevant civil society organizations to assume their responsibilities by pressuring the countries of the aggression coalition to lift all restrictions on the Republic's airports in general and Sana'a International Airport in particular, and to resume all civilian flights, and to ensure that this does not happen again in the future.

The Ministry of Transport held the aggression coalition responsible for returning Yemeni pilgrims and all those stranded at airports around the world to Sana'a International Airport in accordance with guaranteed human rights.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Guidance, Hajj and Umrah, read by Deputy Minister Fouad Naji, pointed to the suffering of Yemeni pilgrims during the Hajj season for the current year 1445 AD, starting with the closure of ports and the non-approval of passports issued by free governorates, and raising the costs of Hajj with the deterioration of services provided in the holy sites, in addition to many obstacles that add suffering to Yemeni pilgrims and Umrah performers.

He said, "The Ministries of Guidance and Transport - based on the directives and continuous follow-up of the leadership - made great efforts until Sana'a airport was opened at the last moments, where seven thousand and 824 pilgrims were delegated, six thousand and 899 of them were returned, and the return of the last batch of pilgrims was stalled as a result of the obstruction of the Saudi authorities and their mercenaries, as well as the restrictions imposed by the countries of aggression on Sana'a International Airport."

He pointed out that the ministry offered the Saudi authorities the readiness of the Sanaa government to pay the costs of any flights to return pilgrims to Sanaa airport, which has not been answered so far. He explained that the ministry, in coordination with the Ministry of Transport and Yemen Airways in Sanaa, has scheduled a number of return flights for pilgrims, and the request for flight permits has been sent to the Saudi authorities, and the permit request is still pending until now.

The Ministry of Guidance and Hajj and Umrah Affairs held the Saudi authorities responsible for the failure and mismanagement of this year's Hajj season, and the imbalances that claimed the lives of hundreds of pilgrims.

It also held the Saudi regime religious, legal and moral responsibility as a result of negligence and negligence in transporting Yemeni pilgrims and returning them to Sana'a airport and providing them with the necessary housing and subsistence until this is done.

The Ministry of Guidance and Hajj and Umrah Affairs pointed out that the Saudi regime bears responsibility for the safety of transporting pilgrims to Sana'a airport, and not to another airport or land port, due to the security risks in the areas controlled by the occupation and its mercenaries, which it knows well.

It condemned the arbitrary measures practiced by the Saudi regime against Yemeni pilgrims. Demanding the provision of services to the pilgrims of Yemeni pilgrims and not politicizing the Hajj or blocking the Sacred House of God.

The ministry confirmed that it continues to follow up on the issue of stranded pilgrims in coordination with the relevant authorities until their safe return home.

The Ministry of Guidance and Hajj and Umrah Affairs called on the Saudi regime to lift restrictions on all ports of the Republic of Yemen and reopen the electronic path for registering pilgrims through Sana'a to ensure the safety and ease of travel of Yemeni pilgrims and Umrah performers.


resource : Saba