![Revolution leader: Most important thing concerns us at beginning of new Hijri year is to work on forming government; correcting situation of judiciary Revolution leader: Most important thing concerns us at beginning of new Hijri year is to work on forming government; correcting situation of judiciary](https://www.saba.ye/storage/larage/b2362629445dac6ddb97ed82a3fee889.jpg)
Speech by Al-Sayyid Abdul Malik Badruddin Al-Houthi on the Occasion of the Prophet's Migration Anniversary
Sunday, 1 Muharram 1446 A.H. (7 July 2024 A.D.)
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.
O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
The new Islamic Hijri year draws our attention all, as Muslims, to what it means to adopt the Prophetic migration as the basis for our Islamic calendar. Muslims adopted it as the beginning of the year, which indicates its immense importance and its vital role in the birth and establishment of the Islamic Ummah. This is a very important matter. Therefore, at the beginning of this speech, we are going to speak about this topic to draw lessons that we are in dire need of in this era.
As the migration reminds us of the Prophet (PBUH&F) and his message and the effort he made in guiding people and saving human society, especially the Arabs of that time—the message of Allah (Glory be to Him) is a mercy for the whole world, with a special emphasis on Arabs community. Hence, Allah said, {'We have sent you [O Prophet] only as a mercy for the whole world'}[Al-Anbya 21:107]. Therefore, this occasion draws our attention to the divine message with its importance and greatness and our constant need for it in every time and place. It is the inheritance of the messengers and prophets, the seal of the divine messages, and the divine project for saving the whole world. The greatness of the divine message was manifested through the movement of the Prophet (PBUH&F). The efforts of the Prophet and those Muslims who supported and struggled alongside him bore fruit when they moved Arabs out of the state of loss—the state of polytheism, ignorance, widespread illiteracy, superstition, fragmentation, divisions, moral decay—and the darkness and clear misguidance of the pre-Islamic era into a state of enlightenment and guidance. So the Prophet changed their reality to become an ummah devoted to Allah alone and united under the banner of Islam. He made of them an ummah that had a leading position in human society and enjoyed a prominent presence on the global stage as an ummah distinguished by the light of Islam and its principles, its values, its ethics, and its great civilizational project.
The characteristics of the Ansar and their qualifications to embrace the divine Message
After losing hope in Quraysh society and having finished the Prophet's mission in Mecca, the migration of the Prophet (PBUH&F) took place from Mecca to Al-Madinah, where the Ansar from the Aws and Khazraj tribes—both Yemeni tribes—resided, as they attained remarkable qualities that qualified them to fulfill the great role and carry the significant honour of embracing the divine message and carrying the banner of Islam. Allah has clarified in the Holy Quran the noble qualities of the Ansar, which enabled them to undertake that important and great role under the banner of Islam: Allah (the Almighty) says, {'And [it is also for] those who were settled in the Home [Al-Madinah] and the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them, and they find not any want in their breasts of what they [the emigrants] were given. They give preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is preserved from the miserliness of his soul, it is those who will be the successful'}[Al-Hashr 59:9].
This blessed verse has encompassed the necessary qualifications for moving forward with the divine project: the divine message and the great religion of Islam. Such qualifications are important and must be found in any society that moves forward with Islam and under its banner at any time and in any place.
At the beginning of these qualifications, in the verse {'And [it is also for] those who were settled in the Home [Al-Madinah] and the faith before them,'} what is striking is the expression {'those who were settled in the Home [Al-Madinah] and the faith'}. It is as if they resided in faith, inhabited it, and settled in it as they settled in their homes! This expresses a deep, firm faith affiliation that is not shaken by hardships or temptations. No hardships, temptations, or other influencing factors could make them abandon their affiliation or steadfastness. This is a very important issue, expressed by the blessed verse with this phrase: {'those who were settled in the Home [Al-Madinah] and the faith'}. It is as if they resided in faith, inhabited it, and felt secure about it, just as the feeling one would feel in his home. This is very significant. They were distinguished by their steadfast, firm, deeply rooted, faith-based affiliation, which combined both the commitment to worship and the commitment to responsibility, unlike the affiliation of some of the nomadic Arabs, whose story is narrated in Surah Al-Hujurat, {'The nomadic Arabs say, “We believe.” Say [O prophet,] “You have not believed. But say 'We have submitted,' for faith has not yet entered your hearts'}[Al-Hujurat 49:14].
There was a clear difference between these two models. The first was a model that the Holy Quran showed the extent of its religious affiliation, firmness, and credibility of this religious affiliation with this great expression, which clearly manifests the level of rootedness, firmness, and spiritual stability. And the second was a state expressed verbally but lacked the real manifestation of faith. The faith-based affiliation of the Ansar combined the commitment to worship and the commitment to responsibility, support, jihad, and sacrifice. Therefore, they embraced Islam as a project, a message, and a responsibility, and they worked to establish it, revive it, and raise its flag.
Then came a key feature that was one of the most important and required qualifications and was also related to this aspect: An important qualification was that they were a nucleus, a community, and a group capable of growth and expansion. They were not selfish, closed off with self-bias or small-minded interests or calculations. They were fully devoted to Islam, with their concern being to raise the flag of Islam, the message of Islam, and the Islamic project and offering sincere, proper, and serious support to the Prophet (PBUH&F). This was why they were described with this important expression, {'They love those who emigrated to them,'} showing their profound love for Islam, their dedication to it, and their commitment to everything that represented a source of strength in achieving victory, establishing Islam, and enabling the advancement of the divine project on the earth. They were at this level: {'They love those who emigrated to them.'} They rejoiced and loved those who emigrated to them because they saw in every one of them a building block in the construction of the high, lofty, majestic edifice of Islam. They loved them out of their great love for Islam, their awareness of the importance of every role that represented a source of strength in building the Muslim community, and their complete devotion to serving the divine message. Additionally, they possessed purified hearts and souls, cleansed by Islam and faith, free from selfishness, envy, grudges, and ill feelings.
And at the same time and as another very important merit tied to these qualifications, they possessed hearts that wanted good for others and were free from envy and grudges. Within the framework of this great project, when you take on the responsibility of spreading the divine message and Allah's guidance so that its goodness and light reach others, you must have a good will towards others in your heart and soul. This is a very important matter. If you do not have this will and if you do not have this orientation and this mentality and spirit, you will be farthest from making serious, sincere, conscious, honourable, and great effort within the frame of this holy responsibility to spread Islam, carry its flag, and advance its project.
Allah (Glory be to Him) expressed this matter when He said, {'And they find not any want in their breasts of what they [the emigrants] were given.'} In other words, they had no envy, no grudges, no ill feelings, no hard-feelings, or anything that could result from greed, desire, personal calculations, personal interests, or the like towards what they were given—that is, towards what the emigrants were given, whether at a material or moral level. So they had no ill feelings towards others and what was given to them within their Islamic frame and within their community as a Muslim nucleus, consisting of the Emigrants and the Ansar. This is an important quality because among the worst and most significant and dangerous factors of division are the ill feelings and complexes stemming from envy at what is given to those who are in your side, within your Ummah, within the frame of your great project. When selfishness and envy spread, there is no longer intimacy, brotherhood, cooperation, understanding, or harmony, and unity required by Sharia and reality is not achieved to advance the divine project and, at the same time, to represent it and embody its values and morals. This merit indicates the purity of their hearts from the scourge of selfishness, envy, ill feelings, and more.
Then, there is also the fourth merit, which is of extremely great importance and is considered highly advanced and very elevated in the realm of morals and values: Allah says, {'They give preference over themselves, even though they are in privation.'} They possess the spirit of generosity, kindness, and giving to the extent of preferring others over themselves, even in difficult circumstances, poverty, and need. They have this excellent and very great spirit, which is a very significant qualification for rising and fulfilling responsibility: When the ones who move within the frame of the divine project have this mentality and spirit, the spirit of giving and offering, then they contribute with their effort and money, without withholding anything or being consumed by ill feelings, complexes, and selfishness, which cause division and stir discord, disputes, strife, greed, and competition over ambitions.
Then Allah concludes it with a significant and important ending, related to all of the qualifications, in His saying, {'And whoever is preserved from the miserliness of his soul, it is those who will be the successful.'} With all those previously mentioned qualities, Allah (Glory be to Him) protected them from miserliness, which is considered one of the most dangerous obstacles to success, as it prevents a person from achieving success in its fullest sense: attaining and achieving goodness, succeeding in reaching great objectives, and achieving the desired outcome a person strives for. In the divine project, in the Islamic project, in the project of the divine message, a person strives to achieve great and sacred goals in this world and the Hereafter. The ultimate goal is great—the pleasure of Allah, Jannah, and salvation from Allah's punishment—and the immediate benefits in this world are represented in dignity, honour, freedom in its true meaning, justice, and goodness. These are very great goals and achievements of great importance to humans in their human elevation and dignity and also in the faith-based goals they hope for as believing people.
Thus, with those great qualities, which mean being free from miserliness that is the most dangerous of all obstacles—being free from it helped achieve success and triumph. This is why the Ansar were a successful base. Indeed, they succeeded in their movement with the divine project to merge as an ummah, as a nucleus, with the emigrants to form one community and to take on the responsibility of moving forward with the divine project, the divine message, and the flag of Islam. Therefore, great successes and victories were achieved, transforming the state of all Arabs at the time and moving them to a different reality, despite the many and great challenges in their Arab surroundings and at the global level. However, with those qualities, they were able to receive Allah's care, support, assistance, and victory, and they had the potential to move forward with the great divine project.
The dangers of miserliness and its negative consequences on the individual, society, and the Ummah
Therefore, the danger of miserliness becomes apparent to us, as it signifies a psychology of taking, acquisition, selfishness, and a lack of goodwill towards others. Those who are consumed with miserliness want to take without giving; they want to keep things for themselves. They constantly revolve around their own interests, focusing on what they imagine to be in their interest and disregarding all considerations and matters, regardless of their significance. This perspective is misguided because true goodness and actual benefits for humans lie in surrendering to Allah and aligning with the overall direction within the Ummah as part of a great divine project. This has a great personal benefit for you, and its outcome is a significant fruit. Its outcome is the outcome promised by Allah for the muttaqin in both this world and the Hereafter.
However, when one separates himself from the general orientation and instead focuses solely on himself and personal calculations, he becomes shackled and confined by selfishness, sensitivities, ill feelings, and small-minded views and calculations. Consequently, he lacks the spirit of generosity, the spirit of selflessness, the spirit of diligence and contribution, and the spirit of altruism—such remarkable qualities elude him. His heart is burdened with ill feelings and grudges. Instead of embracing the sentiment of {'They love those who emigrated to them,'} his heart may harbour resentment and sometimes even hatred towards his fellow companions who move with him within the realm of the divine project and share the same responsibilities of jihad and faith. His heart becomes filled with ill feelings, grudges, and animosity. It is not a healthy heart that is pure with sincere love, but rather it is a heart filled with ill feelings. This even affects the level of unity, collective effort, and necessary cooperation required for the spread of the light of Islam and the triumph of the divine project. The Ummah must be united and devoted to Allah, characterized by harmonious relationships and cooperative efforts, where affection, love, harmony, understanding, and cooperation in righteousness and taqwa prevail. When miserliness takes hold, it gives rise to selfishness, grudges, ill feelings, personal calculations, and narrow-minded calculations, and self-centeredness.
Instead of embracing the perspective of Islam, considering what strengthens the Ummah, what is good, and what leads to the victory of your own Ummah, you only think about your own reality and your narrow personal interests. This affects the person at the level of what he gives, what he offers, and what he contributes with at the practical level. He may turn his back to many tasks and fail to contribute significantly. That is because he always calculates matters from a narrow perspective, from his personal standpoint, and based on his personal interests. This is an extremely dangerous state that profoundly affects the person. As a result, such a person does not achieve success, in terms of attaining goodness, victory, and salvation, as promised by Allah to the believers: {'Success is really attained by the believers'}[Al-Mu'minun 23:1].
In this life, they are the winners and those who attain the greatest and most sublime that one can attain and win: Their triumph is unparalleled. The sublime results and aims they achieve in this world and the Hereafter are unparalleled. The eternal future belongs to them, as they win the pleasure of Allah, His Jannah, and deliverance from His punishment. In this world, they distinguish themselves from the entirety of human society by virtue of the illumination of Islam and its guidance and by embodying its values and ethics. This has an impact on the reality of their lives at the level of their elevated humanity and the outcomes manifested in reality. There can be no prosperity, no success, no victory, no achievement of the great and sacred goals, neither for the individual nor for the community and the Ummah, without being liberated from miserliness. That is because when a person is in a state of miserliness, he combines greed with stinginess; love for control, possession, and dominance; selfishness; self-serving intentions, and self-centeredness. Thus, all these things scatter the Ummah, divide it, and prevent any nation or group from taking the right path, based on integration, cooperation, collective effort, and coordinated group work towards achieving specific results and ensuring the success of specific tasks. This is clear in the blessed verse: {'And whoever is preserved from the miserliness of his soul, it is those who will be the successful'}[Al-Hashr 59:9].
When a person is not driven by miserliness, he can take on a constructive and fruitful role, get strong in his effort, and attain a purified soul. There is nothing that restrains him from moving forward with his full potential and power to contribute to the victory of Islam and serve its cause. The outcome is success.What we give for the sake of Islam and in the path of Allah (the Almighty), its fruit is for us, as happened in the reality of the early Muslims. The outcome was in their favour: They attained freedom, dignity, and elevation and then became the leading nation on the earth.
Unfortunately, miserliness prevails in this stage in the reality of Muslims even to a great extent! It is a serious obstacle in the reality of the Ummah that hinders it from goodness and acts as a barrier between the Ummah and prosperity, success, and triumph. It keeps the Ummah from being successful and getting rid of the state of failure and loss. For the alternative to success is loss, failure, and disorientation. The Ummah will not be able to raise its banner or establish any foundations unless it gets rid of the state of miserliness.
Warnings against miserliness in Prophetic narrations
He also said in another context, 'Beware of miserliness'—this means be careful of miserliness, and strive to protect yourselves from it—'for miserliness caused those who proceeded you to perish and led them to shed their blood and violate their sanctities.' It can make man get to such a level of savagery for his personal interests and calculations. Such a person loses his humanity, compassion, and the noble values that distinguish one as a human being and transforms into a savage, ferocious, and wicked person. For the sake of narrow personal gains, he is ready to shed the blood of others, hates them, detests them, opposes them, harasses them, engages in serious conflicts with them, and provokes them. He might reach the point of bloodshed. This is a very dangerous state that one should avoid, given its negative impact on the Ummah and on the individual.
Therefore, one should keep away from miserliness, and at the same time, there should be a strive to possess the great qualifications that the Ansar had at that time. Why? That is because such qualifications are essential for any society that carries the banner of Islam and Jihad and strives for the renaissance of Muslims and the building of Islamic civilization in any era. In any era, these qualifications are necessary. It is worthy of our beloved Muslim Yemeni people, Yemen of faith and wisdom—about whom the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) said, 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites'—to inherit from their early forefathers this great role in carrying the banner of Islam and Jihad and take Islam as their project in this life with these qualifications that are great, lofty, and necessary for this role and are completely connected to it.
Important lessons to be learned from the Prophet's migration
Our right choice as a Yemeni Muslim society and for all Muslims in the world is to return to slam in its authentic form and adhere to its principles and values that help the Ummah to rise and bring about good outcomes for the Ummah and Muslims. They should return to their supposed and real role and the sacred responsibility that makes them the leading Ummah in the world and for human society and that spread the light of Islam, its principles, and values. In this period of another ignorance, we are in dire need of Islam, as we see how other forces that are hostile to Islam and fight against it lead human society away from its humanitarian values and intuitive, innate morals. We see how they spread injustice, corruption, and crime in the world and how they cause misery to communities; and take spreading misguidance and corruption throughout the world as a fundamental task. They are the ones who have become linked to Satan and are moving in a satanic way to corrupt human societies, tempt them, and mislead them. As a result, the effect of this leads to the misery of human societies in every sense of the word. Therefore, we see the global reality today, even in different societies, suffers from many crises in everything: political, economic, social, and various crises. All of this suffering is created by those wretched, deviant, criminal forces of evil, arrogance, and tyranny, who move in a way and extension of Satan in tempting and bearing enmity towards humans. This must be faced with Islam and its great project. Islam as a message and a project saves humans, liberates them from slavery to tyrants, preserves for them the authentic innate divine human values that bring them goodness, elevate them, and protect them from the consequences and negative effects of corruption, misguidance, falsehood, evil, crime, injustice, and tyranny.
Muslims need to return to Islam in its pure form, rather than falling into deviation as a result of submitting to the power of tyranny and evil, which distances them from the essence of Islam, its light, and its grand project. This is evident in some Arab regimes and inside the Islamic community in various regions, and it has unfortunately reached a point where some Arab regimes work with the Zionist Jews and institutions that are affiliated with them and among their well-known institutions. There is no doubt in this. In other words, this is not based on mere accusations but on established and well-known truths. They have altered educational curricula for the benefit of the Jews and with the aim of taming the peoples of this Ummah for the Zionist Jews and fostering wrong, ignorant, and absurd perceptions of the enemies of this Ummah from the Zionist Jews and their allies among the disbelievers and hypocrites. They all have to do with taming and subduing the Ummah and presenting an inaccurate and unrealistic image about them as if they are the bearers of good for human society, despite their glaring crimes! The current aggression on Gaza is enough proof, as well as the support they receive from Americans and some European countries, let alone those efforts clearly made to drag human society into degradation led by the Zionist Jews and their allies among the disbelievers and hypocrites: the degradation of human society into the abyss, the rejection of morals and values, and the promotion of savagery, baseness, and degeneration, reaching the phenomenon that has spread in European societies where some individuals choose to transform themselves and appear as if they were animals, such as dogs, monkeys, and so on. This orientation aims to humiliate and degrade humanity, following the Jewish view that considers other humans as not real humans. This view is a well-established view for them, and they act accordingly, seeking to lead human societies to demonstrate that they are not true humans. Even in the Arab and Islamic world, they want the people of this Ummah to reach a state where they give evidence that they are not true humans and acknowledge that. This is deeply unfortunate.
The campaign of falsification is vast and dangerous, and its goal is to tame Muslims to their enemies, the Zionist Jews, and their allies among the disbelievers and hypocrites. It greatly focuses on altering educational curricula according to that path, as is happening in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, and Morocco, under the supervision and observation of Jewish Israeli committees and entities.
Additionally, the media campaign and the soft war, in its two aspects (intellectual misguidance and moral corruption) represent an unprecedented attack on the people of this Ummah. It is unprecedented in its means, tools, and methods, targeting Muslims to control them. This is a very dangerous targeting, aiming for complete control over humans, specifically Muslims, and they are also working on this in other human societies.
Also, the path of attracting others towards treason, subservience, and the infiltration of societies, peoples, and states comes under this title and follows the same path. An example of this is what we have noticed in our country regarding the cells that were working for the enemy in various fields—there are still cells, some of which will be revealed soon, Allah willing.
Therefore, it is necessary to be cautious, and our Ummah should benefit from such blessed occasions, like the Hijri New Year, to strengthen its internal situation against the hateful, corrupt, and misleading enemy infiltration. These occasions should also play an important role in awakening the Ummah, returning to Islam in its pure form, and rising according to the true role and responsibility of the Ummah.
Likewise, for Muslim brothers in Western societies and countries where they are a minority, it is important to embody the values of Islam and to show its greatness, beauty, and values. They should show unity in their word, as this will help them preserve themselves, obtain their rights, and make a significant, valuable, moral, and reformative contribution in such countries, among other things.
The beginning of the Hijri year as an important opportunity to evaluate your personal reality
Regarding the beginning of the Hijri year, it is also a very important opportunity for a person. Considering the end of a year and the beginning of a new year, this occasion is significant for a person to reflect on his reality at the personal level to evaluate his reality, starting with his relationship with Allah (the Almighty) as a fundamental basis for other matters and details. It is also a time for evaluation at a collective level, as an Ummah moving forward, and as a group of people who share a common responsibility and move in the same path. A person should evaluate his performance in his personal responsibilities and within a collective framework. Based on this, he can recognize his shortcomings and weaknesses and move forward with new determination and a serious approach, seeking help from Allah (the Almighty) and focusing on important, clear, and specific priorities within his responsibilities.
The years that have passed are counted as part of your life. What has passed is part of your life that time folds away and keeps drawing closer to its appointed day and departure from the fleeting world. Therefore, it is very important for a person to take these time phases into account. A year that passed away is a year of your life that time folds away and that has an appointed time before transitioning from the fleeting world to the Hereafter, where you will be asked about your responsibility, face accountability, and receive recompense. A person should not be heedless and neglectful, he should not waste time and then regret when the time comes to move from this life. This is one of the many important lessons and insights we should gain from this occasion.
Second area of focus: government formation and judicial reform
Considering other aspects, the formation of the government and the reform of the judiciary are among the most prominent concerns for us at the beginning of and throughout this year in our country, as part our concerns and responsibilities. We had announced this matter in our speech on the occasion of the Prophet's birthday, but some events took place after the Prophet's birthday, such as the Al-Aqsa Flood and the developments in the Palestinian situation. Therefore, our priority shifted to focus on 'the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad'. This priority deserves our attention due to its religious, humanitarian, and ethical significance. Nonetheless, we continued our essential efforts in ongoing preparation for achieving governmental change. The work was carried out in several key tracks:
These were three tracks that continued to take a significant portion of time and attention, alongside other concerns and the major priority related to 'the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad'. There are many details we will discuss, Allah willing, with the announcement of the government in a dedicated speech, along with other important points related to this topic. We will focus on this at the beginning of this year, during the [launer] months of Muharram and Safar, and matters related to the judiciary situation.
The war is not fought on the military front alone; it targets the economic front more than the military front. It extends to other fields, such as the political and social fields. It is a war in every form, a comprehensive aggression, and a total targeting of [the country]. Therefore, there must be cooperation and understanding for the necessary requirements of the correction and change process, as well as for addressing the obstacles and how to handle them wisely.
Third area of focus: the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad
The third part in our speech concerns 'the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad'.Allah’s guidance and support has made it possible for our dear people and our distinguished position in this country to embark on this path, both officially and publicly. Thanks to this aid from Allah, our actions have had a significant impact on the enemies, and this impact is evident as the enemies themselves acknowledge it.
The operational and technical approach: a new school in the field of combat!
This includes the operational approach related to maritime operations in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Bab Al-Mandab, the Arabian Sea, reaching the Indian Ocean, and extending to the Mediterranean Sea. The operational and technical approaches have both amazed the enemies: They astonished America, Britain , and the Israeli enemy. They are studying and learning from that, as they were astonished by the unprecedented innovation, which is one of the most important features that could not have been achieved if it were not for the guidance of Allah.
They believed that their surveillance with advanced means and vast capabilities would enable them to track any movements of our missile, naval, or drone forces and target them immediately and that they would be able to strike our factories that produce missiles, drones, and war naval vessels, among other things. They were confident in their ability to do so, and their statements were filled with arrogance, pride, and tyranny, as usual. But they were surprised that they failed in this regard. They could not destroy the factories or warehouses, nor could they stop or limit the operations. They were astonished by the excellent tactics that were—through the help of Allah—employed by our brave brothers in the missile, naval, and manufacturing sectors, as well as in other operational formations. New tactics left them in awe. They saw them as a new school of combat. Their officers, experts, and officials expressed in their media that this new school of combat could be beneficial for them in other regions, wars, and events. Thus, by Allah's grace, the outstanding performance of our armed forces became a successful and remarkable model that amazed the enemies, who regarded it as a new, innovative school. This school broke away from the usual norms, surpassing and overcoming the technology and tactics the enemy relied on. As a result, the enemy's reality was a clear failure: while the challenges turned into opportunities for our mujahidin brothers. Also, the enemy's failure became evident on a large scale.
Facts and events that affirm divine support beyond human imagination!
The extent of divine support and assistance has become evident, exceeding what people might imagine. I emphasize this truth: the aid, victory, and support granted by Allah in 'the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad' are beyond people's imagination. Understanding this requires contemplation and comprehension because some clear truths and realities prove this. The events on one hand (what has happened and what is happening now) and the acknowledgements by officers, officials, experts, and studies by the enemy on the other hand prove this truth. Any person can verify this and make it clear to oneself [by looking at] the defeat and failure of the [American] naval forces, and what happened to the aircraft carrier that was considered a marvel by the Americans and Western countries. As part of America's military capabilities, the Americans used this aircraft carrier to scare others. Whenever tensions arose between the US and China or any other country, sending an aircraft carrier was all it takes to cause panic and fear and seek to instill psychological defeat and apply pressure.
As for Arabs, when the aircraft carrier is sent to them, the situation becomes extremely peculiar. The level of fear, panic, defeat, and weakness reaches an alarming degree. This is evident in the Arab reality. As soon as the aircraft carrier arrives in the Gulf, the Red Sea, or the Mediterranean Sea, most Arab leaders immediately submit, tremble with fear, and retreat from anything that America disapproves of. They then agree to any American demand, displaying absolute submission to America.
However, within the context of the US deploying its aircraft carrier as part of what it uses and relies on in its confrontations to support the Israeli enemy against our country, the situation changes completely because it becomes a target for our armed forces. The armed forces made it a primary target and a significant prey chased in the sea in every sense of the word.
The dear mujahidin in the missile, drone, and naval forces searched for the American aircraft carrier diligently, trying to pinpoint its location to target it. Whenever it was targeted, it would run away. From one escape to another, it kept running from here to there. Its mission at sea turned into a mission of evasion rather than attack! The psychological pressure, terror, fear, and panic among its crew and operators were evident, and they spoke openly about it. For many of them, this situation led to psychological illness and severe crises. Similarly, this was the case with the rest of the military units, where escaping became their primary mission more than any other mission.
Similarly, regarding the pride of American unmanned aircraft MQ-9, the MQ-9 also reached a point of despair in playing an effective and relied-upon role in accomplishing the missions America depended on. It continuously was struck, targeted, and brought down. This has had an impact on the Americans as there are many reports, statements, and admissions from their officials, officers, researchers, and experts on this matter. What happened to [the Americans] is that the MQ-9 drone became a low demand product, and even the aircraft carrier became a low demand product, to the extent, they say in America that the aircraft carrier appears to have become an outdated weapon, obsolete, and no longer able to fulfill the role it once had because it has become a source of pressure for the Americans: It can be targeted, and it is preoccupied with escaping from here to there, which represents a major problem for them. This is a very important matter, a significant development in the course of events, and a testament and evidence to great divine support.
The use of ballistic missiles by our armed forces against moving maritime targets, as well as long-range strikes into the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, is a great success with the help and support of Allah. This success astonished and surprised the enemies, who then took it seriously. They considered the use of ballistic missiles against moving maritime targets to be unprecedented in history!
With the military failure of the Americans, the British, and the Israelis, and with the significant success and great victory granted by Allah in closing the Red Sea to Israeli maritime movement—about half of Israel's overall maritime movement has been disrupted. The Red Sea is almost devoid of any Israeli movement, which also has had an overall impact on the Israeli enemy regarding its ports.
The terrible predicament faced by the Americans and their failure to embroil others!
America and its abject follower Britain have clearly failed to maintain and protect Israeli navigation, and this has had a significant economic impact on the Israelis, as well as America and Britain. In fact, there is no doubt that the impact on the British economy has to do with the fall of the government this week—another government has assumed power. That is because this has a very huge impact on Britain.
Considering all this, America has found itself in a real predicament because it is facing burdens and is entangled in a problem it has to bear, along with Britain and the Israeli enemy. Usually, the Americans are used to embroiling others with them and making them bear great burdens with them and share in their loss, but this time, unlike usual, they are on their own in a predicament and make every effort to embroil others with them. They have tried to embroil the Europeans, but the Europeans tried to deal intelligently with their pressures, although some of them have sent their warships to the Red Sea and said that they are on a purely defensive mission. There are some cases where they participated in intercepting drones, but they did not bomb our country. They completely avoided bombing our country from the sea. Even so, this remains a problem for them: Their involvement with the Americans in the Red Sea to intercept drones that do not target them is a major problem for them and clearly inflicts burdens on them. Still, this is the way they used to deal with the American pressures on them.
Many countries have also dealt with this issue intelligently, shrewdly, and wisely. They have refused to participate with the Americans in any form of participation in the efforts they make in the Red Sea and the Arab Sea to support the Israeli enemy, protect Israeli navigation, and attack our country. This is an important thing for all the countries that are freeing themselves from blind obedience and absolute submission to the Americans. Most of the countries in the world are not involved, and they have a direct coordination with us in this country. In fact, there is no danger to their navigation, and they pass peacefully.
One of the biggest failures of the Americans has been their inability to involve the Red Sea coastal countries in supporting the Israeli enemy and protecting Israeli ships. We greatly commended this, even in multiple speeches. We repeatedly praised the position of those countries that understood our position. They have also failed to exploit the Arab and neighboring countries in launching attacks on our country from within these countries, including their bases and airports. However, they continue with their efforts in this regard.
Everyone knows that the issue is related to our supportive position for the Palestinian people and their brave mujahidin and that the Americans have in this battle declared their aggression against our country accordingly: They are supporting the Israeli enemy and want to protect the movement of its ships in the seas. This is a clear issue. Indeed, it is a completely clear issue, and everyone knows this. There are statements from many world leaders and officials including ministers, from many countries who acknowledge this truth and express it clearly. It is a very clear issue, and everyone knows that it is all about this. In our dear country, we are with the Palestinian side, with Gaza and the mujahidin in Palestine, and with the Palestinian people. As for the Americans, they are with the Israelis, and they are fighting us for the purpose of supporting and backing the Israeli enemy and standing with the Israelis in their savage, barbaric aggression to exterminate the Palestinian people. It is clear that the Americans continue in their attempts to embroil others, especially some Arab regimes, especially the Saudi regime.
The American endeavour to push the Saudi regime into targeting Yemen
After the Americans failed militarily, they sent messages to us, stating that they would push the Saudi regime to take unjust, evil, and harmful aggressive steps targeting the Yemeni people. They sent us these messages, and then there were some American visits to Saudi Arabia, where some meeting were held, pushing the Saudis to take those aggressive steps against our Yemeni people.
As usual, one of the most important things the Americans focus on is the economic domain. Why? That is because they know that the economic situation can inflict harm on all people, the entire society, the entire population. When the battle is a military battle, the military targeting usually remains at certain levels, unless they get themselves in trouble and resort to indiscriminate bombing of cities and villages. Otherwise, if the confrontation remains a military confrontation, the resulting harm is usually limited to the military front. As for the economic targeting, they try to inflict harm on society as a whole: all people, all families, and all residents—they try to target society in its livelihood. They know that our society is suffering greatly from the economic situation as a result of the aggression in all these years—which has been the case since the beginning of the American-Saudi aggression on our country—and due to the severe blockade, their control over our national resources (oil and gas), the major conspiracies, and the comprehensive destruction that has occurred since the beginning of the aggression on our country. Every day of the year is an anniversary of injustices, massacres, tragedies, destruction, and ruin by the American-Saudi aggression against our country. Every single day of the year witnessed a series of massacres, tragedies, destruction, and unjust attacks.
The enemy bombed everything in our country, destroyed everything, and targeted the economic and living situation of the Yemeni people as well. They have turned to involve the Saudis in hostile, unjust, and criminal steps aimed at harming the Yemeni people in general. At the forefront of these steps is pressuring the transfer of banks from Sana'a. This is a crazy, stupid step, and no one in the world would think this way. In other words, no one would demand any country that all banks move out of the capital and not a single bank can remain there! What is the reason behind this foolish, crazy, stupid, criminal, aggressive, and illogical step that has not happened anywhere in the world, and no one could demand it from any country in the world? It is because the Americans know that it has a bad impact on the Yemeni people and is harmful to Yemeni society in their living reality, in their circulating currency, in prices, and in other things, as well as commercial activity and what is related to it.
Of course, the Saudi regime has taken this step for the sake of serving Israel and showing obedience to America. The ongoing battle is between us and the Israeli, American, and British enemy. In this battle, whoever does something against our country is doing it for the benefit of the Israelis—for the benefit of the Israelis, for the benefit of the Israelis—as well as in obedience to America and in compliance with its orders and instructions. What they are doing is in the context of the battle against this country, for they stand with the Israeli, American, and British side.
We have tried to express our advice and warning and to send messages through all intermediaries, through all channels, and through all those who engage in dialogue and negotiations, demanding them to reconsider this step, to refrain from this crazy, foolish, illogical step, which has no precedent in the entire world. But until now they are still dragging their feet.
They have even proceeded with another step: They sought to shut down Sana'a airport and suspend flights, although they were very limited flights to Jordan and for patients and travellers for treatment purposes. In other words, despite the very limited scope and the very narrow margin of these flights, they wanted to stop these flights and worked on suspending them. We told them that this was a negative step. The inciting statements from the Israeli, American, and British side continued, demanding the Saudis to also seek to stop and close the port and prevent the movement of ships to the port. This means that they want to embroil the Saudis by taking us back to a situation that is identical to the situation that prevailed at the peak of escalation during the past nine years. What does this mean? This means that they want to embroil the Saudis in a comprehensive war and an escalation that is worse than the previous situation and make them bear the brunt and get involved only for the sake of the Israelis, as they have no cause or justification for these aggressive, foolish, stupid, criminal, and unjust actions that aim to cause comprehensive harm to our dear people. It is not enough for them what they have done in all these past years: It is not enough for them the occupation of a large area of the country, their control over the oil resources of this country, the constant mobilization of mercenaries and traitorous agents to fight their own people! Indeed, it is not enough for them all that they have done, so they now seek to take crazy, stupid steps against which we can never stand idly by and do nothing.
The Saudi regime: its foolish, misguided steps and its wrong calculations!
If the Saudi regime thinks that our preoccupation with the direct battle between us and the American, British and Israeli side, in the midst of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, will render us unable to do anything about it when it takes such crazy, stupid steps aimed at annihilating our people by hunger, disease, epidemics, and severe blockade, it is wrong. That is because we will consider what we do to confront its aggression to be part of our battle against America, as what it is doing is for the benefit of Israel and in obedience to America. Therefore, in such a case, we cannot simply stand by as our people suffer hunger and their economic situation further deteriorates.
The current situation is unbearable. Our people endure what no people in the world can endure, but this endurance is for the sake of important considerations: They believe that there is an important battle and a great position and that there are more important issues and important priorities. Our people stick to patience because they have prioritized the Palestinian people over themselves and their issues and because they are an extension of their early ancestors, about whom Allah said, {'They give preference over themselves, even though they are in privation'}[Al-Hashr 59:9]. Our people prioritize others over themselves. They direct all their attention, all their energy, all their effort to support the Palestinian people, make that a priority over their own issues, and do more to support the Palestinian people than they did while fighting their own direct battle.
The Saudi regime must realize well that we can never remain silent about such reckless, foolish, and stupid steps. They must stop this wrong path, or else we will respond to everything in kind—that is, banks for banks. We will demand that banks in Riyadh move out of all of Riyadh and go away. Do you accept this?! Do you consider this something logical?! So why do you want to impose it on our country?! It is foolishness, stupidity, aggression, ignorance, and blind hatred. The Americans are pushing you towards very stupid and very aggressive things.
Do you accept closing all airports in Saudi Arabia, suspending flights, and closing ports? We will respond in kind to every step: Riyadh airport for Sana'a airport, banks for banks, and ports for the port. We will never tolerate that you embark on such an aggressive, criminal, foolish, and stupid path. No one in the world could do such a thing. Who could demand such steps anywhere in the world?! These are very strange things and indicate a very terrible foolishness. We do not know the reason for falling into such foolishness and delusion (May Allah be our refuge)!
If you have no problem in getting involved at the behest of the Americans and for the benefit of the Israeli enemy and are not satisfied with what you are doing—you provide money to the Americans, to the Israelis, and to the Jews. You also provide full media support for the benefit of the Israeli enemy clearly, as your media clearly serves the Israeli enemy. Watching your media outlets is all it takes to know this. The matter is very clear: They support the Israeli enemy, not the Palestinian people.
If you are continuing with your negativity, to the extent that the Palestinian resistance movements are still classified by you as terrorists for no reason except that they face the Israeli enemy and seek to liberate their land and the sanctities of the Ummah in Palestine, if you are still unsatisfied with such a level of negativity and even want to carry out what is worse and more dangerous, if you want to get in trouble, to lose your interests, your security, your stability, to endanger your oil, your huge oil reserves, and your economic capabilities, and cause problems, this is your choice! What should we do for you if you have this level of stupidity and subservience to the Americans and the Israelis?! You are doing everything for the Israelis: You are changing your educational curricula, harnessing your media means for them, and providing them with money as jizyah—you are providing the same for the Americans as well. If you still seek what is worse, the consequences of that on you will be serious. You should have no illusions that this will lead to serious consequences on you.
When you force us to resort to options that leave us with no alternative, then we will move with full conviction and reassurance. That is because we are already in problems, already at war, already under blockade, already in suffering! Do not think that we will allow you to destroy the Yemeni people and bring them to the level of total collapse just to avoid any problem with you. Let there be million problems, and let matters reach any level they may, for we will move based on our belief in our just cause and our clear grievance. We have a just cause and clear grievance, and we are ready to do what is necessary because of that.
You are still arresting members of Hamas and throwing them in prisons. You have tried and convicted them for one reason which is that Hamas is fighting against the Israeli enemy. You criminalize taking action against the Israeli enemy. Even after we offered releasing your captives in exchange for their release, including your pilots—some of the most important captives—you did not accept that, for the sake of the Israeli enemy. It is astonishing! Do your pilots not have enough value and importance for you to release those detainees from the Hamas movement? Rather, you sacrifice for the Israelis, even if the captive is a pilot! This is very strange!
To the Saudi regime: If you want to get in trouble, then go ahead!
The Americans are trying to embroil you. If you want to get in trouble, then go ahead. But if you want what is best for yourselves and the stability of your country, and to move in a safe and stable economic path, that will only be achieved by ceasing your conspiracies against our country. As for moving towards an aggressive escalation aimed at bringing our country and people to collapse, as if what you have already done and are doing now is not enough, this is something we will never accept.
If the Americans succeed in getting you in trouble, it would be a terrible foolishness on your part and an indication of being forsaken by Allah. As for us, it is our natural right to confront any aggressive steps that are harmful to our people. And if you get more involved, the escalation from our side will be greater. However, do not rely on the Americans, for they are a failure—they have failed even to protect their aircraft carriers, warships, and vessels. Therefore, the path of peace is better for you and in your best interest. Do not embroil yourselves for the sake of the Israelis.
Regarding the dialogue round on the prisoner file that took place in the Sultanate of Oman, we spared no effort and were keen on its success and that its outcomes would be the beginning of the exchange for the second batch of prisoners. However, it is clear that the coalition does not want to take a step at this stage that would anger the Israelis. It is in solidarity with the Israelis and the Americans. Therefore, taking into consideration the fact that we presented everything that could help ensure the success of the round for the exchange of prisoners, there is no explanation or reason for the coalition's intransigence except that it is in solidarity with the Americans and the Israelis at this stage. Nevertheless, we will continue to make every effort to reach a prisoner exchange deal, and we must ultimately reach a result, Allah willing.
Final area of focus: the Zakat Authority and its important achievements
We now move to the last part of this speech. One of the important accomplishments of the Zakat Authority for the Hijri year 1445 was providing support for the poor who needed assistance to get married. It was intended to hold a mass wedding ceremony in the month of Dhul Hijjah for eleven thousand grooms and brides, at a total cost of 4.4 billion Yemeni Riyals. This path of assistance is one of the most important areas of assistance. Helping with marriage is one of the areas of focus for the Zakat Authority, as it has a wide range of concerns: its major concern that has to do with caring for the poor in terms of food, sustenance, health, medical care, and in other fields, as well as assisting those in debt who are usually in need for assistance and put in prisons. The activities are very broad, and the paths are multiple according to its legally specified purposes, and this is one of these specified purposes: assisting those in need of marriage
It was preferred not to hold a collective wedding ceremony this year in the usual manner of previous years out of respect and solidarity with the tragedy and suffering of the Palestinian people. Holding the collective wedding ceremony—particularly with this very large number, eleven thousand brides and grooms—would be a sign of joy and happiness. However, it was distressing for us to see this taking place on such a large scale while the Palestinian people in Gaza continued to suffer. Therefore, we decided that the assistance should go to those who were about to get married by providing them with what they needed and that ordinary wedding ceremonies could be held, avoiding manifestations of great joy, happiness, and celebration at a time when the Palestinian people were facing a tragedy. We are not like the Saudi regime. Aside from the issue of marriage, which is a legitimate and sacred thing, the Saudi regime did what they did regarding those revelry and debauchery parties in the most difficult circumstances experienced by the Palestinian people. Our situation is different.
All this significant contribution by the Zakat Authority in helping those in need of marriage is a direct contribution to fortifying society, preserving its values, morals, and chastity, building society, and forming families. It is an important contribution. Usually, some people have criticisms, which are incorrect and worthless. They do not recognize the importance and value of things from the Islamic and social perspectives. There is also an important path for the Zakat Authority to allocate one-third of the revenues to economic empowerment programmes, aimed at combating poverty and transforming the poor into producers to address their problem fundamentally. This is a very important path.
The role that the Zakat Authority has played and continues to play is great, important, and sacred. It is within the framework of one of the obligations of Islam and one of its pillars. Therefore, cooperation with it is necessary. Our society, with its faith-based affiliation and identity, should be keen on paying Zakat, distributing it according to its specified purposes, and benefiting from the Authority. This is because it performs a great, organized, broad, and comprehensive role in caring for the poor and addressing the misery and deprivation experienced by the most impoverished and suffering in our country.
We hope, Allah willing, that there will be wide cooperation and interaction with the Authority, and that people will not listen to the attacks launched by the enemies against the Authority and its role. If some people have practical and useful observations, they can present them to the Authority. However, to stand with the hostile activities launched by the enemies against the Authority is inappropriate, completely wrong, unwise, negative, and unacceptable.
Allah willing, we will see you again, brothers and sisters, in the coming speeches.
We ask Allah (the Almighty) to make this Hijri year a year of ease, victory, and success. O Allah, hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin and grant us victory. We also ask Allah to have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. He is All-Hearing!
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.