IRGC commander: We have put America in position of collapse

Yemen News Agency SABA
IRGC commander: We have put America in position of collapse
[09/ July/2024]

TEHRAN July 09. 2024 (Saba) - The commander-in-chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Major General Hossein Salami, said that his country has put America in a position of collapse. "The United States today is not what it was 20 or 30 years ago," he said.

The Tasnim International News Agency quoted Major General Salami in a statement last night as saying: "No one will be able to say that Iran has become isolated in the world, because we have proven that the world is bigger than America, and that the latter is much smaller than the world."

Major General Salami touched on the anniversary of the seizure of the American spy den in Iran (in 1980). He stressed that this achievement constituted a movement beyond imagination throughout contemporary history and even in the future.

"This step, which won the support of Imam Khomeini (may he be pleased with him), was issued by a group of brave Iranian youths who exposed the US embassy in Tehran for what it really is, as a den of spies in the clothes of diplomats, and was working to control the fate of the Iranian people," he said.

In another aspect of his remarks, General Salami referred to the 14th presidential elections. He said that the mass participation in these elections once again dashed the dreams of the enemy and changed its equations, because the Iranian people are good at thwarting the conspiracies of the enemies and changing their calculations.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran's growing power will ensure that it passes the challenges, including the enemy's attempts to isolate it, and Iran has proven to the world that America and the Zionist entity are very small, by consolidating relations and cooperation with world powers other than these two entities," the IRGC commander-in-chief concluded.


resource : Saba