The economic escalation by Saudi Arabia, its mercenaries is an attempt to undermine the state of stability in the free provinces

Yemen News Agency SABA
The economic escalation by Saudi Arabia, its mercenaries is an attempt to undermine the state of stability in the free provinces
[11/ July/2024]

SANA'A July 11. 2024 (Saba) - As part of a clearly defined American-Zionist-Saudi conspiratorial scheme, the mercenaries of the aggression adopted escalatory steps with an economic dimension to add more pressure on the Yemeni people, their leadership and army, and try to prevent them from supporting the brotherly Palestinian people in the face of the Zionist-American aggression.

Starting with exerting pressure on banks to move their headquarters to Aden, trying to target legal currency, seeking full control over Yemen Airways, pressuring travel agencies to leave Sana'a to conduct their business from Aden or anywhere else, and other aggressive decisions that are nothing more than miserable and open attempts by Saudi Arabia and its tools through which they try to shuffle the cards and undermine the state of economic and social stability prevailing in the free governorates.

This escalation raises many questions about the reasons that prompted its mercenaries to exert these pressures at this particular time, while the brotherly Palestinian people are subjected to genocide and crimes that have never happened throughout history by the Zionists and the Americans without anyone from the Arabic and Islamic regimes and governments paying attention to them except the resistance movements in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and the Yemeni armed forces.

What has prevented mercenaries from moving all these files over the past years, when the fronts were raging and the war was raging at all levels, and what do they aspire to obtain by escalating the economic war against a people against whom they have practiced all kinds of injustice, criminality and intimidation and brought them to the humanitarian crises, poverty and deprivation of the most basic rights without achieving anything of what they sought, foremost of which is the subjugation and control of the people?

Is it conceivable that the mercenaries of aggression still aspire to fabricate more crises and suffering to achieve what was not achieved for them through war, fire, missiles, forbidden bombs and siege, after they experienced the Yemeni people for nine years of confrontation, and what they knew about in terms of patience, courage, fortitude, and unrelenting determination?

Is it conceivable that the mercenaries of aggression still aspire to fabricate more crises and suffering to achieve what was not achieved for them through war, fire, missiles, forbidden bombs and siege, after they experienced the Yemeni people for nine years of confrontation, and what they knew about in terms of patience, courage, fortitude, and unrelenting determination?

Do they not know that in the eyes of the Yemeni people, they have become just cheap tools in the hands of the Americans, Saudis and Emiratis, used by the enemy whenever and whenever it wants to serve its agendas and ambitions, and that they are just a gang of thieves who practice corruption, looting and tampering with the wealth and capabilities of the country?

Do they not see how Sana'a stands today in direct confrontation with the masters of their American and Zionist masters, and is engaged in an open and large-scale air and sea war with them as a victory for the oppression of the brotherly Palestinian people? after all, can Sana'a have any regard for the conspiracies hatched by these tools?

Is it time for these mercenaries and their masters from the regimes of the countries of aggression to wake up from their negligence and realize the fact that Yemen is unbreakable and includes a people who do not submit, surrender or compromise their principles and values, no matter how much circumstances and sacrifices they face?

There are many questions raised by Saudi Arabia's practices through its mercenaries by escalating the economic war recently under different headings, despite the fact that its main goal is clear and clear and directly related to Sana'a's position in support of the Palestinian people, and the embarrassment caused by Yemeni military operations to US forces in the region.

It is no secret that these escalatory decisions would not have come without the pressures exerted by the American administration and international Zionism on Saudi Arabia against the backdrop of the Yemen's position in support of Gaza, which in turn pushes Riyadh with its mercenaries in the occupied governorates to adopt such aggressive measures to try to pressure Sana'a to stop the operations of its armed forces in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance.

These pressures are only an extension of the aggression launched by America and Britain against the Yemen since the start of the operations of the Yemeni armed forces supporting Gaza, and come for the same purpose for which the aggression came, which is to dissuade Yemen from its heroic position in support of our brothers in Palestine.

Despite the seriousness of the escalatory decisions of the mercenary government, they did not backfire on the economic conditions in the free governorates, as much as they have caused since its announcement more rapid collapse of the illegal currency in the occupied governorates, which seems to exceed two thousand riyals per dollar in the coming days, after its frightening decline during the weeks from 1600 to more than 1800 riyals per dollar.

Wouldn't this puppet government and its bank, which is infiltrated and subject to American intelligence, prove its worth within the governorates subject to aggression by providing non-existent basic services there, restoring the currency lost its purchasing value, and ending the state of security chaos and humanitarian, living and service crises that turned the lives of citizens in those governorates into hell, in order to have even a little confidence among the helpless citizen, before thinking about talking about the free governorates that only lack the cessation of harm from the countries of aggression and their mercenaries.

As for trying to transfer its crises and its abject failure at all administrative, economic and security levels to the free governorates, this cannot be allowed by the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council in Sana'a, and behind them all the free Yemeni people, who faced the US-Saudi-UAE coalition of aggression for nine years, during which they achieved the impossibles, and came out of the war carrying the banner of victory.

In the face of this escalation, the leader of the revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, warned Saudi Arabia of the consequences of exerting economic pressure on the Yemeni people to double their suffering after nine years of their aggression and siege of them. In his speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet's migration, he stressed that Yemen will not stand idly by in the face of this escalation, which targets his livelihood and economic reality, and will take the necessary and appropriate action in this regard.

Meanwhile, Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, considered the escalatory steps to target the national economy, the banking sector and the aviation sector, and the insistence on preventing the payment of salaries to all employees, a dangerous US-Saudi escalation that is being implemented through tools from mercenaries to dissuade the Yemeni people from their position in support of the Palestinian people.

His Excellency President Al-Mashat advised the Saudi regime not to respond to US pressure to tighten the noose on the Yemeni people, and to move forward in achieving a just and honorable peace, stressing that the Yemeni people will fail all these conspiracies and have the appropriate options to confront all attempts at escalation.


resource : Saba