Revolution Leader : Any practical measures or steps in confronting Saudi aggression are in battle context to support Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Revolution Leader : Any practical measures or steps in confronting Saudi aggression are in battle context to support Gaza
[11/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 11. 2024 (Saba) - The revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, considered that any practical measures or steps in confronting the Saudi aggression in the economic or other field are in the battle context to support Gaza and are not separate from it at all.

The Revolution Leader said in a speech this afternoon about the latest developments in the Zionist aggression on Gaza and regional developments, “After realizing the futility of his operations, the Americans sought to implicate Saudi Arabia in committing an unprecedented aggression and escalation in the economic field.” He stressed, “Our warning to Saudi Arabia at the beginning of the new Hijri year is a Serious warning in every sense of the word.”

He added, "After the American informed us of messages that sought to implicate the Saudis in launching an unprecedented aggression and escalation in the economic field, we affirm that no matter what the Saudis do, no matter what their escalation, and the resulting repercussions to whatever level they reach, it will never affect our firm and principled position in supporting the Palestinian people." “And the continuation of our operations, which will continue no matter what, against ships linked to the Zionist, American, and British.”

He continued, "The Saudi pressure and aggressive steps and all the consequences or escalation that result from them, no matter what happens, will not affect our position or our operations, and we will never stop our operations in support of the Palestinian people and its mujahideen."

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi reassured the Mujahideen in Gaza Strip, the Palestinians, and all the free people of the nation and the world, that Saudi Arabia will never succeed, no matter what it does, and no matter what repercussions this will have in stopping our operations or distracting us from the priority of supporting the Palestinians.

He said, "The American wants us to stop supporting Gaza and let the Israeli ships cross Aden Gulf , Bab al-Mandab , the Red Sea, and stop operations to support the Palestinians in all its forms. He wants us to stop the operations and demonstrations and stop all activities in supporting the Palestinians, especially the military operations, and the Saudis are active in this direction".

He continued, saying, "The situation for the Saudis is a case of terrible stupidity in every sense of the word. The American, no matter what he does, will not stop us, even if he does more than what he is doing, because our position is faith-based , principled and part of our religion and our commitment to faith. He will not stop our operations, but the Saudi must stop his wrong and unjustified path." And his saying that he is doing what he is doing as a result of American pressure is neither a justification for him nor acceptable leave us to the confrontation with America and tell America to confront us with all its capabilities.”

He addressed the Saudi regime by saying, "America has more huge capabilities than you. Do you have an aircraft carrier? The American has a more advanced aircraft carrier and greater military capabilities, and you realize this fact. Why do you involve yourself, in what will cause you loss? You will not succeed in stopping our operations in supporting the Palestinians nor in limiting it, you will not force our people to back down from their position, but rather you will lose.”

He continued, "When the American implicated himself in supporting the Israelis and announced his aggression against our country, did he succeed and achieve a result? He only lost. His ships began to strike commercial and military ones, and when you implicate yourself, you will not be able to influence our position, but you will be mocked more than the American's loss, because what you have of what is... Close to us, many, many things are being targeted and will cause you the greatest harm, and your threats will not intimidate us.”

The revolution leader pointed out that the Yemeni people have lived through wars, suffering, and wars... adding, "We have lived through wars, suffering, and events, and what concerns us is the just cause, the right position, and the correct behavior that is necessary."

He went on to say, "We do not act rashly, recklessly, or frivolously. We do what we should do when absolutely necessary. How many messages have we sent advising and warning the Saudis? Leave us alone. We are in direct war with the Americans, the Israelis, and the British. Watch and dance as much as you want. Your media is drumming for them and praising them." They support them, and the political statements from the Foreign Minister and others have deviated greatly and begun to echo the same Zionist, American, and British logic regarding operations in the Red Sea.”

He explained that the statements of the Saudi Foreign Minister at the beginning were good, saying that the operations in the Red Sea were linked to Gaza, but the situation changed and the statements, positions of the Saudi regime and some of the declared Gulf states began to echo the same Israeli, British and American logic.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi touched on the American and British incitement regarding the port, explaining that targeting banks, airports, and the port are all red lines that cannot be accepted.

He continued, "In your reality, will you accept banning airport flights , forcing private banks , the headquarters of institutions and companies in Riyadh to move? Any country in the world that is asked to do so will consider it a dangerous, unacceptable, illogical aggression and escalation. Why all these aggressive steps?"

He reiterated that "those steps are merely American orders to serve Israel and an attempt to force Yemen to back down from its position in supporting Gaza. This is impossible and far from the sun. You will not succeed, and you will not be able to force us to back down from supporting Palestine."

He added, "Our Yemeni people have made their decision to go out by two million people a week, and no American agent will be able to dissuade them from this decision and from the principled position of faith and humanity, despite the whims of every agent. We will continue our ongoing operations to support the Palestinian people, and we will strive for what is greater, more and stronger, despite the whims of every Saudi or foreign agent." Otherwise, we will never back down from our position. We will continue our support and bombing ships linked to the Zionist, American, and British, whatever it may be.”

The revolution leader reported that last week, about 270 marches took place in various provinces, most notably Sabeen Square in the capital, Sana'a, and the number of mobilization forces reached 372,174 trainees ready to fight the enemies.

He addressed the Yemeni people by saying, “The enemies want you to retreat from your position in supporting Gaza, and they want you to let the Palestinian people down and stop the support operations.

The Saudis want you to watch the tragedy of the Palestinian people and dance like them and ignore the cries and groans of the Palestinian people. The Saudis want you to laugh and dance.” Get busy with his crazy parties, dog competitions, and electronic games to stop your weekly outings. The Saudi has received American directives to seek aggressive steps as punishment against you. Will you accept?”.

He called on the Yemeni people to hear the Saudis and the whole world tomorrow, the voice of freedom, pride, courage, and faith in Al-Sabeen Square and all the provinces, adding, “Listen to the Saudis so that they know that you are still free and proud, loyal and courageous tribes. Hear the Saudis tomorrow that you are still that people who The Messenger of God said about him: “Faith is Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni.”

Addressing the Yemeni people, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi said, "We warned Saudi Arabia with your words so that he does not imagine that the situation is merely a matter of information, and so that he knows that we spoke with your voice and that we took your direction. We are present with our faith in God, our trust in Him in confronting the American, Israeli, and British enemy and every agent."

He added, "Despite every agent's objection, we are steadfast in our position, and we will continue our operations with ballistic and winged missiles, drones, and deluge boats, and they will continue as long as the Israeli aggression continues."

He continued, "Your two million exits tomorrow are more important than the weeks that have passed because you are at an important juncture in the situation, so declare your sincere position as we have known from you, and let your position tomorrow be one that pleases God, comforts the Palestinian people, and reassures them that you will continue and that you are not among those who will tremble at any threat." .

He went on to say, "You did not fear America, Britain, or Israel. Will you fear a stupid, foolish, reckless agent who acts stupidly and does not take lessons from anyone?! Let your voice be heard by all the world. I invite you to go out tomorrow in Sana'a, in a million-man protest, in Al-Sabeen Square and the rest of the provinces , districts, and so be it." Your exit is a blessed and successful exit, God willing, that expresses pride, faith-based pride, courage, freedom, and loyalty.”

The Revolution Leader spoke about the most important operations on the Yemeni front this week, targeting an American ship northeast of Socotra Island, and the fears and anxiety it raised for the enemies, who considered it one of the farthest attacks in the far east of the Arabian Sea until today.

He added, "The American considered the targeting of one of its ships in the far east of the Arabian Sea to be a worrying expansion in the threat area, while Britain announced the withdrawal of its last warships from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden on the run after they faced the largest air threat to the Royal Navy in the modern era."

He addressed what the British Navy announced that its last ship was hit by a fast missile from Yemen, and was unable to intercept it. He pointed out that the British Navy acknowledged the effectiveness of ballistic missiles against ships and considered it to be the greatest air threat to the British Navy in the modern era.

He continued, "Those who mocked after the announcement of a smashing missile should listen to the confessions and statements of their American and Israeli masters, and the confessions, statements and comments of American and British military experts that testify that missiles are faster than sound."

He pointed out that the Americans, the British, and before them the Israelis realized that they were facing a threat that they did not have the ability to confront, pointing out that it was the very fast, supersonic and deadly missiles that terrorized and frightened even the American aircraft carrier.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that this week’s operations were carried out with 10 winged and drone ballistic missiles, and the number of ships targeted in total reached 166 ships linked to the Israeli, American and British since the beginning of the operations.

He pointed out that the movement of ships linked to the American and British ships has stopped in recent months, while the Israeli enemy is almost non-existent, monitoring is continuous , strong and the ability to implement, thanks to God and His aid, is ready and available.

He said, "There is no impact on the possibility of launching nor on its effectiveness, the enemy is in a state of clear failure, and the echoes of the escape of the American aircraft carrier, which was designed, built and prepared, as they say, to fight great powers, are still being felt."

He added, "The comments of some Americans likened the escape of the Eisenhower aircraft carrier to 'an elephant running away from a mouse,' and the Americans describe the escape of the American aircraft carrier as an unprecedented event in the history of wars that created a new history."

The revolution leader addressed the enemies, "Your elephant did not flee from a mouse, but from a lion's den. The Yemeni army, and its capabilities are not a mouse, but rather a lion of a den, confronting you and confronting you within the framework of your unjust stance that supports the Israeli enemy."

He pointed out that the Americans say that “the aircraft carrier was prepared to fight great powers, but it was fighting a losing battle against a land guerrilla group that did not have any naval power.” They are astonished, and the Israeli enemy speaks with astonishment and fear because the Yemeni army possesses huge, lethal military capabilities that have exceeded all expectations. Techniques possessed by enemies.

He cited the confirmation of the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies in its study that Yemen possesses weapons that enable it to carry out deadly attacks, and that “Israel” inflicted great economic losses as a result of the Red Sea attacks, most notably the cessation of the activity of “Eilat" port, and the decline in trade between “Israel” and the countries of the world.

He reiterated that the American is continuing its attempts to stop the Yemeni operations, but to no avail, explaining that the American carried out eight raids this week in Hodeida and Hajjah, and the total bombing reached 570 raids and naval bombardments since the first month of Rajab, and the martyrs of the American-British aggression amounted to 57 martyrs and 87 wounded in the battle. The Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad."

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi began his speech by talking about the barbaric Zionist aggression against Gaza over a period of 10 months, considering it a real , dangerous examination and test for all human society.

He pointed out that genocidal war crimes against the Palestinians are a test of the conscience and values of human society, stressing that remaining silent about the crime of genocide in Gaza means human societies wasting their existence, human dignity, and the right to life.

He said, "What the Israeli enemy is doing is permissible for everything, based on a false and offensive vision of human societies," noting that cases of interaction with the Palestinian people appeared out of human conscience in America, Europe, and other societies.

The revolution leader explained that the oppression in Palestine and the criminality of the enemy had an impact in spreading awareness within societies in which the doctrine glorifying Zionism had been entrenched for centuries... pointing out that the tragedy of the Palestinian people had a great impact in creating awareness and removing all the veils that the Zionists had established among the peoples especially in America and Europe.

The student movement and demonstrations denouncing what is happening in Gaza come in the context of sorting out those from human societies who still carry the human conscience and adhere to it, indicating that the impact of the oppression Palestinians, their steadfastness, and the brutality of the enemy reached some in Western countries until they converted to Islam, which presented a picture of what should be done. It is the Islamic society.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi added, “Some Muslims are almost leaving Islam instead of the oppression of Palestine reviving their values and sense of religious responsibility, and the issue is dangerous for those who are lenient towards what is happening in Palestine, and those who cooperate with the enemy and play a sabotage role to shackle the nation.”

He stressed that the crime of genocide in Gaza is supposed to revive a person's conscience , stir up his conscience and sense of responsibility, noting that among the enemy's heinous crimes is the execution of three elderly people from one family, one of whom was martyred during torture and two were executed by being crushed under the tanks tracks .

He pointed out that the enemy targets displaced people in areas that it claims are safe, as if they were traps for Palestinian society, with large American smart bombs that are used in confrontations with major armies.

The revolution leader stated that there are piled up quantities of food on the American floating dock, and the Palestinian people are starving, while the enemy continues for more than two months to close Rafah crossing into Egypt and prevents the arrival of any food and medical supplies.

He continued, "In the West Bank, the enemy continues to storm cities and villages, committing murders, kidnappings, and destroying houses and infrastructure.

The enemy is constantly expanding its seizure of Palestinian lands in Al-Quds , establishing settlement outposts and residential facilities in the occupied West Bank. The enemy's arbitrary measures against worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque continue."

He stated that the American turned the issue of demonstration and sit-in in support of Palestine as if it were a war crime for which people are held accountable, tried , punished, the Americans and those who support the enemy entity are still betting on the boredom , silence of the people, and despite this, the demonstrations continue in Europe and the West.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi saluted the Moroccan people who did not follow the direction of their puppet and traitorous regime to the nation, which is loyal to Israel and normalizes with it... stressing that the Moroccan people proved their loyalty, belonging, authenticity, humanity, values and morals when they came out on a large scale in many cities to support the Palestinian people.

He pointed out that the Moroccan regime seeks to domesticate the Moroccan people and distort their loyalty and position, but there is vigilance and awareness, hoping that many Arab countries will move as the Moroccan people move and learn the lesson.

He said, "In Bahrain, there are protests and calls for a sit-in under the title of boycott as a support front , a model of loyalty and steadfastness in the pro-Palestinian position," pointing out that the path of boycotting American , Israeli goods is very important, it is within the power of all people and in all countries.

The revolution leader saluted Bahraini people who are innocent of the position of the puppet Al Khalifa regime, and this is an important lesson for the rest of the peoples who are negligent in the boycott issue.

He stated that the Mujahideen and society in Gaza are still in a position of great steadfastness and the position of confronting the enemy on all fronts, noting that the past week was distinguished by the intensity and quality of the operations of Al-Qassam, Al-Quds Brigades, and the various factions.

He praised the role of the jihad and resistance factions in benefiting from the experience during the past period of time to improve performance despite the scale of the aggression and the siege, explaining that one of their strong surprises was the implementation of a Qassam battalion that the enemy had previously announced had been dismantled, carrying out 14 operations in the first hours of invasion western Gaza.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi also confirmed that the battalion restored itself , restored its operational activity with high effectiveness, mastery, skill, amazing and influential tactics, considering the start of recruitment in Gaza a very important message, and with oppression there is stability, patience, and continuity to carry jihad banner .

He linked the reality of the Palestinians' suffering and its mujahideen to the reality of the enemy, making it clear what the consequences and outcomes of the hot conflict are. He stressed that mujahideen in Gaza Strip, with little means , suffering, and despite widespread Arab disappointment, are patient, steadfast, and repairing their situation.

He explained that the Israeli enemy has a real problem with recruitment and there is frustration and reverse migration, stressing that the enemy failed to blackmail the Palestinian tribes and exploit the state of famine to impose an administration other than the governmental administration in Gaza Strip.

The revolution leader also saluted all the Palestinian tribes for their firm and conscious stance, which indicates awareness, insight, cohesion and steadfastness in rejecting all attempts by the Israeli enemy, stressing that the Palestinian front is the largest, first and hottest front and no one is bidding on it because it is at the heart of the battle with the Zionist enemy and the resistance has an essential role in battle.

He stopped at the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, which are of very great importance and imposed a new equation at this stage of the conflict with the enemy, adding, “There has never before been support from Arab countries in standing militarily with the Palestinian people and their mujahideen as is the case on the support fronts.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi explained that the steadfastness in supporting fronts, their effectiveness and their sacrifices are clear, no matter how much some doubt in light of the media attack that supports the Israeli enemy, indicating that some Arab regimes have a clear orientation in supporting the Israeli enemy, and their media is directed against the Palestinian people and the resistance movements.

He pointed out that the peoples of some Arab regimes do not dare to declare a position in supporting the Palestinians, pointing to the negative role of some Arab regimes, which is within the framework of their approach before this round of conflict under the title of normalization, loyalty and alliance with the Zionist enemy.

The revolution leader revealed that some regimes have entered into a partnership with the Israeli enemy and a program aimed at liquidating the Palestinian issue, stressing that the support fronts are in full coordination with the Palestinians and are seeking to escalate more , more, and the position of all support fronts is consistent and directed as a support position in every sense of the word with the Palestinian people and their resistance.

He said, "The decision in the negotiations and what is decided in them is for the Palestinian people and their resistance, led by Hamas, and our support is continuous and firm without interfering in the details of the negotiations. The decision here is the decision of the Palestinians and their resistance, led by Hamas."

He also stressed that the role in supporting fronts comes within the framework of full support and support for the Palestinian position and standing with it in the framework of supporting this just cause.

The Commander described Hezbollah front as hot, effective and strong, and it provided martyrs, led by great leaders. He pointed to the effectiveness of the Hezbollah front, which detained 100,000 officers and soldiers, destroyed the Israeli enemy positions in northern Palestine, and expelled tens of thousands of usurpers from settlement outposts.

He stated that Hezbollah front had greatly disrupted Israeli industrial production, especially in northern Palestine, pointing out that the most prominent Hezbollah operation this week was targeting the Israeli reconnaissance center on Mount Hermon for the first time since October War of 1973.

He touched on the effectiveness of the Islamic Resistance Front in Iraq, which this week carried out three operations against vital and sensitive targets of the Zionist enemy... noting that one of the effects of the joint operations between the Islamic Resistance and the Yemeni army was the European Animal Organization’s announcement that a ship transporting livestock to Haifa had been attacked by drones in the Mediterranean Sea. .

The Revolution Leader stressed that the announcement by the European Animal Organization to suspend all its shipments until the end of operations in the Mediterranean Sea is an important development.
He said, “The United Nations Relief Web site reported that the joint operations affected shipping movement in the eastern Mediterranean, the chemical and petroleum products tanker, ‘Faler,’ stopped its automatic identification system while it was in the waters surrounding Haifa, with the aim of concealing its route.” He stressed that the statements International and official bodies attest to the extent of the impact of joint operations.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi reiterated that the impact of joint operations will grow, strengthen and grow until it represents a very large pressure factor in the Mediterranean.


resource : SABA