Iravani: Iran's policy towards Yemen crisis is transparent, stable. US accusations are baseless

Yemen News Agency SABA
Iravani: Iran's policy towards Yemen crisis is transparent, stable. US accusations are baseless
[12/ July/2024]

NEW YORK July 12. 2024 (Saba) - In a letter to the President of the UN Security Council, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani rejected the baseless accusations made by America regarding Iran's cooperation with Yemen and Ansar Allah. He stressed that the Iran's policy towards the Yemeni crisis is transparent and stable.

"This correspondence follows the meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the eighth of July 2024 under the title (The situation in the Middle East).

At this meeting, whose main agenda was to approve the decision to extend the mandate of the Hodeida Agreement, the representative of United States, while deviating from the said agenda, once again offended the Security Council by making baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran in relation to the situation in Yemen.

Iran's top diplomat at the United Nations added that the Islamic Republic of Iran once again categorically and strongly rejects these baseless accusations. Iran such accusations are part of the political agenda of the United States of America and are intended to cover up and legitimize its current acts of aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen.

Moreover, it is now clearer than ever that the United States seeks to exert pressure on UN experts to undermine the independence of their mission. This destructive approach by United States has weakened the credibility of the reports of the Security Council and United Nations experts, which should be neutral and non-political.

The Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations stated that his country has clearly stated on several occasions, including in the letter dated June 19, 2024, that it has not engaged in activities contrary to the relevant Security Council resolutions. He stressed that the Iran's policy towards the Yemeni crisis is transparent and stable.

The Iran supports a peaceful solution to the Yemeni crisis through diplomatic channels and affirms its commitment to maritime security and freedom of navigation, he said. But the reality is that the United States and its partners are responsible for flagrant violations of international law, the Charter of the United Nations and Security Council resolutions by committing acts of aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen. The United States of America cannot deny responsibility for these grave violations by accusing other sovereign States.

In his letter to the President of the Security Council, the Ambassador of Iran requested that this letter be recorded and distributed as a document of the Security Council.


resource : Saba