Occupation demolishes nine homes, facilities, settlers burn lands in W Bank


Yemen News Agency SABA
Occupation demolishes nine homes, facilities, settlers burn lands in W Bank
[15/ July/2024]
OCCUPIED AL-QUDS July 15. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist enemy forces on Monday carried out a series of destructive actions across the West Bank, demolishing five homes in Bethlehem and four facilities in occupied al-Quds, while Zionist settlers set fire to Palestinian agricultural lands in the northern West Bank.

Khader al-Araj, head of al-Walaja Village Council, reported to the Palestinian Information Center that enemy forces entered al-Maqbara neighborhood in Ain Juwiza and demolished homes belonging to Ahmed Abu Al-Tin, Tariq, Raeda, and Taghreed, each measuring 100 square meters. Additionally, a house owned by Fadi Abu Rizq, covering 85 square meters, was demolished in the same area earlier in the day. Furthermore, four facilities were demolished in Hizma, northeast of Jerusalem.

Simultaneously, home demolitions in the Gaza Strip and across Palestinian territories, particularly in Area C of the West Bank, which comprises 60% of its area, have intensified.

In a separate incident, Zionist settlers attacked Palestinian Bedouins near al-Lubban al-Sharqiya, south of Nablus, according to resistance activist Bashar Al-Qaryouti. The settlers assaulted residents and ignited fires that consumed numerous dunums of agricultural land.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that this morning, enemy forces conducted raids in various cities and towns throughout the occupied West Bank, resulting in arrests and the destruction of Palestinian property.

Since October 7, 2023, amidst ongoing aggression against Gaza, the enemy army and settlers have escalated attacks in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, resulting in the martyrdom of 574 Palestinians, the injury of approximately 5,350, and the arrest of about 9,625 individuals, as reported by Palestinian authorities.

Despite international calls and resolutions, including those from the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice, demanding an immediate cessation of aggression and measures to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Zionist enemy continues its relentless assault on all fronts, defying international law and humanitarian principles.

resource : Saba