Qahim reviews service projects, performance level & need in Bajil District

Yemen News Agency SABA
Qahim reviews service projects, performance level & need in Bajil District
[15/ July/2024]
HODEIDA July 15. 2024 (Saba) - Hodeida Governor , Muhammad Ayyash Qahim, inspected on Monday a number of service, revenue , security projects and facilities in Bajil District.

Qahim reviewed the needs of Jabal Al-Dhamer village water project, and the director of the Rural Water Projects Authority branch directed quickly to rehabilitate the project and restore water to the residents of the region after a 20-year interruption.

He stressed the importance of rehabilitating Jabal Al-Dhamer village water project to alleviate the suffering of citizens and provide them with clean drinking water.

A meeting was held in Bajil District, chaired by Governor Muhammad Ayyash Qahim, which included directors of health units in the district. It discussed the mechanism of health work , confronting diseases and epidemics, especially acute watery diarrhoea.

The meeting was attended by the Director of the Directorate, Abdul Moneim Al-Rifai, the District Secretary of the District, Muhammad Maafa, the directors of the branches of the Mehran Health and Endowments Offices, Abdul Hamid Al-Harazi, the Finance Sabri Mahmoud, the Rural Water Authority, Muhammad Mughbash, the coordinator of the Supreme Council of the Directorate, Mohieddin Shara, and the head of the Planning Committee in the two districts of the Directorate.

In addition, the Hodeida Governor offered his condolences on the death of Sheikh Mutahar Ali Mazria, one of the sheikhs of Bajil District.


resource : SABA