Cultural event commemorating Ashura in Al-Saddah District, Ibb

Yemen News Agency SABA
Cultural event commemorating Ashura in Al-Saddah District, Ibb
[15/ July/2024]
IBB July 15. 2024 (Saba) - A cultural event was organized on Monday in Al-Sadda District in Ibb Province on Ashura Day, martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, anniversary under the slogan, “Humiliation is far from us.”

At the event, the Director of Security of the Directorate, Colonel Ali Al-Washli, considered Ashura commemoration a time for drawing inspiration from the battle of confrontation and standing in the tyranny and arrogance face.

Meanwhile, Director of Guidance in the Directorate, Majdi Al-Shami, touched on the implications of commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, in providing lessons of sacrifice, courage, awareness, insight, jihad, consolidating faith identity, and adhering to the Qur'anic approach and culture.

At the event, which was attended by the directorate’s mobilization official, Adel Al-Bahm, cultural activist Abdul Majeed Al-Zubaidi pointed out the importance of commemorating Ashura to draw lessons from the stance, courage, and biography of Imam Hussein - peace be upon him - and his revolution and sacrifice in confronting the tyrants of his era.


resource : SABA