Meeting in Ibb discusses ways to improve judicial work & improve performance

Yemen News Agency SABA
Meeting in Ibb discusses ways to improve judicial work & improve performance
[15/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 15. 2024 (Saba) - A meeting in Ibb province, which included Justice Minister in the caretaker government, Judge Nabil Al-Azani, and the Governor of Ibb, Abdul Wahed Salah, discussed on Monday ways to improve judicial work.

The meeting, which was attended by the President of the province Court of Appeal, Judge Muhammad Al-Shehab, the member of the Judicial Inspection Authority, Judge Mujahid Al-Shami, the heads of the divisions , the courts of first instance, and the Director of the Court of Appeal, Kamal Al-Hajri, touched on aspects related to providing special headquarters for the courts, and providing suitable lands to build courts at the level of each district, according to Judicial map.

At the meeting, Judge Al-Azani explained that his visit to Ibb province aims to review courts' conditions and meet their needs according to the available capabilities, pointing out that the success of the work requires integrated efforts to achieve complete justice.

For his part, Ibb Governor stressed his keenness to provide support according to the available capabilities to provide appropriate headquarters for the courts in the province.

In turn, Judge Al-Shehab reviewed the judicial statistics for the past year, 1445 AH, explaining that the number of cases that were considered by the province’s courts amounted to 28,887 cases, including 14,633 cases transferred from previous years, while 14,860 of them were completed.

He touched on the difficulties facing the judicial authority in the province and ways to address them, appreciating the ministry’s leadership’s keenness to develop the courts performance and enhance their role in achieving justice.


resource : SABA