Supreme Judicial Council mourns Judge Mohamed Saleh Ibrahim

Yemen News Agency SABA
Supreme Judicial Council mourns Judge Mohamed Saleh Ibrahim
[15/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 15. 2024 (Saba) -The Supreme Judicial Council mourned Judge Muhammad Saleh Obaid Ibrahim, member of the Hodeida Appeals Prosecution, who passed away at the age of 62.

He spent most of his time serving the nation in the Public Prosecution.

In its obituary statement, the Judicial Council praised the virtues of the deceased and his contributions to judicial work, through the work he held in the Public Prosecution.

The statement pointed out that the judiciary and the Public Prosecution lost a judge known for his generosity and dedication to serving justice with his passing.

The Judicial Council expressed its sincere condolences and sympathy to the sons and brothers of the deceased, his family members, and members of the judiciary over this affliction... asking God Almighty to cover him with his vast mercy, dwell him in spacious gardens, and inspire his family and loved ones with patience and solace.

"We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return".


resource : SABA