President Al-Mashat condoles death of Major General Taher Al-Ashwal

Yemen News Agency SABA
President Al-Mashat condoles death of Major General Taher Al-Ashwal
[16/ July/2024]

SANA'A July 16. 2024 (Saba) - Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, sent a cable of condolences on the death of Major General Taher Ahmed Al-Ashwal, after a life full of giving and serving the country.

In the cable he sent to the son of the deceased, Dr. Najib Taher Al-Ashwal, his brothers and all members of his family, President Al-Mashat praised the virtues of the deceased and his honorable national stances against the aggression against Yemen.

He pointed out that the deceased held many positions in the security aspect, and was an example of dedication and sincerity in serving the country.

President Al-Mashat expressed his sincere condolences and great sympathy to the sons and family of the deceased and all the Al-Ashwal family in Ibb Governorate on this casualty.


resource : Saba