Al-Rishq: Preventing establishment of Palestinian state confirms correctness of option of resistance, comprehensive confrontation

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Rishq: Preventing establishment of Palestinian state confirms correctness of option of resistance, comprehensive confrontation
[18/ July/2024]
DOHA July 18. 2024 (Saba) - Member of the Political Bureau of Hamas Movement Izzat al-Rishq on Thursday confirmed that the decision approved by the Zionist Knesset today to reject the establishment of the Palestinian state is a null and void decision, and that the Palestinian people will continue their legitimate struggle until they obtain their full national rights, as the Palestinian state is seized by force and cannot be begged for.

Al-Rishq stressed in a statement that the Zionist decision confirms the correctness of the option of resistance and comprehensive confrontation of this arrogant occupier, and that it is the only way to defeat the occupation.

He called on the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization to withdraw its recognition of the occupying entity, and to engage in the battle of the Palestinian people to liberate the land and holy sites and establish the Palestinian state with al-Quds as its capital.

On Wednesday, the Zionist Knesset adopted a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, for the first time in the history of the council.

The resolution was supported by 68 members, including the leader of the Zionist "National Unity" party, Benny Gantz, and his party's representatives, while only nine representatives opposed it.

resource : Saba