Sana'a civil service condemns Zionist aggression against Yemen

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sana'a civil service condemns Zionist aggression against Yemen
[21/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 21. 2024 (Saba) -Sana'a ministry of civil service on Saturday condemned the Zionist airstrikes targeting civil objects in the Yemeni western governorate of Hodeida.

The Zionist enemy bombed oil storages and power station in Hodeida port city because of Yemen's constant position in support of the Palestinian people who suffer Zionist genocide with American-British support, the ministry said in a statement seen by Saba.

While it is meant to worsen public sufferings, this assault will not dissuade the Yemen people from their constant stance backing Palestine and its fair Cause, the ministry said, criticizing the UN shameful silence at such crimes.


resource : Saba