Euro-Mediterranean: Israel targets Gaza life resources to displace people

Yemen News Agency SABA
Euro-Mediterranean: Israel targets Gaza life resources to displace people
[21/ July/2024]
GENEVA July 21. 2024 (Saba) -The Israeli army is increasingly targeting all the aspects of basic life in Gaza and North Strip, to make the two provinces unlivable places and push their people into forced displacement towards the south, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said on Saturday.

While intensifying its attacks, the army persists for the tenth month in committing a genocide based on starvation, deprivation from water and healthcare, intimidation, arbitrary arrests, tortures, expelling people from their homes, and emptying the lands, the Monitor added in a statement.

The occupier's army seemingly insists to prevent any attempt to restore the minimal features of living in Gaza City and North Strip, and to force the residents to respond to its evacuation orders, the statement read.


resource : Saba