Pakistan: Israel commits war crimes, Netanyahu terrorist

Yemen News Agency SABA
Pakistan: Israel commits war crimes, Netanyahu terrorist
[21/ July/2024]
ISLAMABAD July 21. 2024 (Saba) -Israel commits war crimes against the Palestinians, advisor to the Pakistani prime minister said on Saturday, dubbing the Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu as a terrorist figure.

The Pakistani government has formed a committee to list companies and products that could directly or indirectly help Israel or its forces in committing war crimes against the Palestinians, Rana Sonallah added in a press release.

The Pakistani official declared 1,000 tons of monthly humanitarian assistance for Gaza Strip, a decision that put an end to a sit-in that brought together tens of thousands of protesters calling on their government to criminalize Israel, stop economic normalization with the entity, and allocate monthly assistance for Gaza.


resource : Saba