Emergency treatments for Hodeida electricity, inspecting wounded & damage caused by Israeli aggression


Yemen News Agency SABA
Emergency treatments for Hodeida electricity, inspecting wounded & damage caused by Israeli aggression
[21/ July/2024]

HODEIDA July 21. 2024 (Saba) - Technical teams at the Public Electricity Corporation (PAEC) were able to restore electricity to Hodeida Governorate from alternative sources of supply after Ras Katneeb Central Station was out of service as a result of being targeted by the Israeli aggression.

Public Electricity Corporation explained in a statement that electricity service has been fully restored to Hodeidah Governorate from alternative sources in conjunction with large and joint efforts to contain the fire caused by the bombing of diesel fuel tanks at the station.

The statement pointed out that the fire that hit the station and the fuel tanks has been controlled, with work continuing to repair and treat the damage to the station to return it to work in the near future.

The Minister of Electricity and Energy in the caretaker government, Dr. Mohamed Al-Bukhaiti, announced late yesterday evening the formation of an emergency operations room to implement measures and procedures related to providing electricity to the residents of Hodeidah, containing the fire that resulted from the Israeli aggression's bombing of fuel tanks, and starting repair work on the central station.

The leaderships of the Ministry of Electricity, the Public Electricity Corporation and the local authority in Hodeidah Governorate, in cooperation with the Hodeidah Support and Development Fund, began field visits to supervise the implementation of emergency works represented in containing and extinguishing the fire at the central station.

Minister Al-Bukhaiti and the Governor of Hodeidah, along with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yemeni News Agency Saba - Editor-in-Chief Nasreddin Amer, the First Undersecretary of the Governorate Ahmed Al-Bishri and the Director of Hodeidah Electricity Ahmed Roudan, were briefed today on the damage caused to the Ras Katneeb Central Station, which was targeted by the Zionist aggression on Saturday afternoon with a number of raids.

Minister Al-Bukhaiti, Governor Qahim and Al-Bishri supervised efforts to contain the fire in the station's diesel fuel tanks, and the needs to repair the station and restore it to service.

Minister Al-Bukhaiti praised the interaction of the Hodeidah Governorate Support and Development Fund and its positive presence to contain the fire and provide the necessary tools and equipment, as well as the efforts of workers and all parties that contributed to controlling the fire.

After the visit, workers and employees of Ras Katneeb power station organized a protest at the crime site in the presence of the Minister of Electricity, the Governor of Hodeidah, the human agent and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Saba Agency, to denounce the heinous crime that resulted in a number of martyrs and injuries.

The participants in the vigil stressed that the Israeli aggression will not discourage electricity workers and employees from performing their national duty, regardless of the challenges, calling on the United Nations to condemn the Zionist aggression on service facilities.

In addition, the Minister of Electricity in the caretaker government, the Governor of Hodeidah and their companions were briefed on the damage caused to oil facilities as a result of the bombing and targeting of fuel tanks, and the continuous efforts to extinguish the fire caused by the Israeli aggression raids.

They were also briefed on the conditions of the wounded who are receiving care and treatment in the Authority of Al-Thawra General Hospital and the West Coast Medical Complex, and their health condition as a result of the injury of most of them with severe burns as a result of the Zionist aggression on service facilities in the governorate.


resource : Saba