Al-Bishri Undersecretary reviews damage caused by Israeli aggression’s bombing Hodeida port

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Bishri Undersecretary reviews damage caused by Israeli aggression’s bombing Hodeida port
[21/ July/2024]
HODEIDA July 21. 2024 (Saba) - The First Undersecretary of Hodeida Province, Ahmed Mahdi Al-Bishri, was briefed on Sunday on the damage caused to Hodeida port as a result of it being targeted by the Israeli aggression.

He reviewed the nature of the damage to the equipment and machinery in the port, including bridge cranes, a number of which were destroyed on the port’s docks, as a result of this criminal bombing, considering targeting vital facilities and civilian objects a full-fledged war crime.

He considered these crimes to be living evidence of the decline and confusion of the Zionist entity and its supporting partners, America , Britain, and their goals, which are completely inconsistent with international norms and conventions.

Al-Bishri stressed that these crimes will not be subject to a statute of limitations, and that the plans of aggression will be destroyed on the rock of the steadfastness of the Yemeni people who refuse injustice and will continue operations to support the Palestinians.


resource : SABA