General Authority for Roads condemns sinful Zionist aggression against Hodeida port

Yemen News Agency SABA
General Authority for Roads condemns sinful Zionist aggression against Hodeida port
[21/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 21. 2024 (Saba) - The General Corporation for Roads and Bridges strongly condemned the sinful Zionist aggression against Hodeida port , which represents the first lifeline for the Yemeni people.

The Foundation confirmed in a statement issued by it and received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that targeting civilian and service facilities in Yemen will not pass without a deterrent response deep inside the Zionist enemy.

The statement also stressed that aggression will not prevent the Yemeni people and their free leadership from continuing to support the people and the Palestinian resistance in the battle of “the promised conquest and holy jihad,” in which Yemen participated strongly and directly, creating a major pressure factor for the Zionist enemy entity , its American and Western supporters.

It pointed out that the arrival of the Yemeni Jaffa drone to its target deep inside the enemy in what is called “Tel Aviv” constituted a surprise and a strong blow to the enemy , other forces of hegemony , arrogance, and represented evidence of the advanced level reached by the Yemeni armed forces.

The Foundation considered the Zionist aggression’s targeting of many civilian facilities and the resulting dozens of casualties a complete war crime , a terrorist act condemned , criminalized by all international norms and conventions.

It pointed out that these crimes reflect the state of bankruptcy, confusion and failure that the Zionist entity has reached after all the crimes of genocide, destruction and starvation it committed against the brotherly Palestinians over the past nine months.


resource : SABA