Deputy minister of industry reviews production at Yanur Beverage Factory

Yemen News Agency SABA
Deputy minister of industry reviews production at Yanur Beverage Factory
[23/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 23 2024 (Saba) - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Ahmed Al-Shawtari has visited Yanur Beverage Manufacturing Company factory to review the production process.

During the visit, al-Shawtari received a detailed explanation from factory director Sadiq al-Faqih about the stages of the production process and the variety of items produced.

The Deputy Minister commended the factory's commitment to achieving high-quality production standards.

He highlighted that the factory's success is a testament to the strategic decisions by the Ministry of Industry to boycott American goods and the products of companies supporting the Zionist entity, thereby fostering local investment.

Al-Shawtari emphasized the importance of directing national capital towards local industries that utilize domestic production inputs, thus meeting market demands with national products instead of relying on imports that deplete hard currency reserves.

He also conveyed the Caretaker Minister of Industry, Muhammad Al-Mutahhar’s directive to provide incentives for industries based on local raw materials and to implement measures to protect national products.

He noted that the Ministry is committed to facilitating productive and industrial investments of various types, with the aim of enhancing national industries by increasing production capacity and offering high-quality local products.

resource : Saba