14 Palestinian factions sign “Beijing Declaration” in Chinese capital


Yemen News Agency SABA
14 Palestinian factions sign “Beijing Declaration” in Chinese capital
[23/ July/2024]
BEIJING July 23. 2024 (Saba) - In a significant move towards Palestinian unity, 14 Palestinian factions have signed an agreement in Beijing, known as the “Beijing Declaration,” aimed at ending division and strengthening unity.

This event, held on Tuesday morning, was confirmed by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and reported by Chinese official media and Central Television.

The signing ceremony marked the conclusion of a reconciliation dialogue hosted by Beijing from Sunday until Tuesday.

China Global Television Network (CGTN) announced on social media that leaders from 14 Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, attended the event and met with media representatives.

In April, representatives from Fatah and Hamas had previously convened in Beijing to discuss reconciliation efforts, seeking to end approximately 17 years of disputes.

Musa Abu Marzouk, a leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), declared that the movement had signed a "national unity" agreement with Fatah and other Palestinian factions during the meeting in China. He emphasized the importance of national unity in their ongoing struggle, stating, "Today we sign an agreement for national unity. We say that the way to complete this journey is national unity. We adhere to national unity and call for it."

resource : Saba