Zionist aggression against Yemen heralds conflict expansion, its alleged deterrence eroded & is at stake


Yemen News Agency SABA
Zionist aggression against Yemen heralds conflict expansion, its alleged deterrence eroded & is at stake
[24/ July/2024]
SANA'A July 24. 2024 (Saba) - At a time when the Zionists, at the political and military levels, are awaiting the Yemeni response to the attacks launched by the Zionist enemy aircraft on civilian facilities in Hodeida port , military and political analyzes have unanimously agreed that the Zionist deterrent power has eroded and is at stake.

The revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, confirmed that the Zionist deterrence force had eroded and all the formations that the Americans were surrounding the entity with to protect it had failed. He added, “The aggression against Yemen will not benefit the enemy in any way or provide him with deterrence, and it will not prevent us from continuing the fifth stage of escalation to support Gaza.”

The Revolution Leader explained in a speech on Sunday afternoon that targeting occupied Jaffa represents the beginning of the fifth stage of escalation... stressing that it is a new equation that will continue and be confirmed, with God’s permission and support.

He considered that the "Jaffa" operation was a major morale blow to the enemy and created a state of panic and anxiety that spread among the enemy entity in the city, the targeted neighborhood, and the American Consulate. He stressed that the size of the strike, its impact, and its repercussions were clear and outweighed any attempts to downplay its importance.

The Revolution Leader also confirmed that the Americans, the British, the American’s European allies, and their Arab agents failed to prevent the threat from reaching the Zionist enemy entity, which found itself in a real impasse , a serious problem, and facing a new equation that had a major impact on it.

He stressed that "the continuation of the aggression against Gaza and its genocide of the Palestinians will come back with additional dangers , unprecedented problems, and the aggression against Yemen is not a comfortable reality for the Zionist enemy, which forced him to go beyond the strategy of monopolizing Gaza and resisting it, and ensuring protection from the Americans and the agents."

He reiterated that cooperation between Yemen and the rest of the support fronts is close , strong, and there is coordination that is developing more and more, has its fruits and importance in thwarting the enemy and putting pressure on him... indicating that coordination with the jihad axis is useful in serving the Palestinian cause and strengthening the general position against the Zionist enemy.

Ten months after the Zionist-American aggression against Gaza, the war moved over the weekend to a new and perhaps more dangerous phase, as a Yemeni drone struck the occupied city of Jaffa (Tel Aviv) and killed a Zionist soldier, while more than 20 Israeli Air Force planes attacked Hodeida city.

This is the first time that the Zionist enemy has attacked Yemen, crossing red lines with its terrorism by targeting civilian facilities, which are fuel storage tanks and diesel tanks in the power station in Dune area in Hodeidah city . As a result of this aggression, 90 civilians were martyred and injured.

Through its blatant aggression against Yemen, the Zionist enemy aims to drag the entire Middle East region into a comprehensive confrontation whose consequences will be unfortunate, and to expand the conflict in the region after its failure to achieve its goals in Gaza Strip, as a result of the fierce battles led by the Palestinian resistance factions, their destruction of the enemy , its military vehicles, and its failure. In achieving its goals, the Zionist enemy lost the deterrent power that it had prided itself on for decades, and it became forgotten due to the Palestinian resistance and support fronts, which revealed the fragility and weakness of the enemy army.

Military and strategic experts believe that the recent Zionist strike on Yemen targeted “soft” economic targets in an attempt to restore the Zionist deterrence strategy that had begun to erode and send regional messages, with expectations of Yemeni reactions.

Experts expected that the Yemeni response would be an escalation by targeting ships, and increasing the number of drones that could succeed in reaching the depths of the usurping entity.

Since the seventh of last October, the Zionist enemy has become accustomed to committing massacres and genocide in the Gaza Strip in particular and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories in general, in light of American support, international silence, Arab and Islamic failure, far exceeding the red lines of human conscience.

The blatant Zionist aggression against Yemen sparked widespread popular anger, and was met with Arab , international condemnation , support from the axis of resistance and the free people of the world.

The American newspaper "The Washington Post" commented on the Zionist attack on the Yemeni city of Hodeidah, saying: This threatens to expand the scope of the war in Gaza Strip, noting that it adds a new, volatile dynamic to what has become an increasing regional conflict.

Based on analysts' expectations, the newspaper suggested that this attack will not deter the Yemenis, and may have the opposite effect, allowing the strengthening of power at home by mobilizing the Yemenis to mobilize against another foreign threat, which will expand the scope of the war with the Islamic resistance in Lebanon and Iraq also joining.

It is worth mentioning that the position of the Yemeni people in support of Palestine is very great, and the people must continue the demonstrations , boycott foreign companies that support the usurping entity, and Yemen’s bombing of this bastard entity is a historical position , changes the equations of deterrence in the region, and American movements in the region are only evidence of the extent of its fears because its military bases Its most prominent weaknesses.


resource : SABA