Palestinian child from Tulkarm killed by Zionist enemy forces' shooting

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian child from Tulkarm killed by Zionist enemy forces' shooting
[24/ July/2024]
TULKARM July 24. 2024 (Saba) - Palestinian medical sources announced last night that a Palestinian child from Tulkarm killed from serious wounds shot by Zionist enemy forces two weeks ago.

According to what was reported by the Palestinian Information Center on Wednesday, doctors at Rafidiya Hospital in Nablus confirmed the death of the child Saif Ziad Omair (13 years old) from Balaa, east of Tulkarm, as a result of his critical wounds from enemy forces’ bullets about two weeks ago after he was wounded while he was in the town of Maithalun in Jenin.

Five Palestinians, including three resistance fighters and two women, were martyred on Tuesday morning as a result of a Zionist drone bombing that targeted a group of citizens in Tulkarm camp in the northern occupied West Bank.

Health Palestinian Ministry announced that the General Authority for Civil Affairs informed it of the martyrdom of three young men and a girl in Tulkarm this morning. They are: the martyr Ashraf Eid Zahir Nafi, the martyr Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad Awad, the martyr Muhammad Badi Muhammad Radwan, and the martyr Bayan Muhammad Juma Salama Eid, all of whose bodies were seized by the occupation. .

Health Ministry indicated that the body of the fifth martyr, Iman Muhammad Jumaa (50 years old), arrived at Tulkarm Governmental Hospital in the morning.


resource : SABA